Okay, so I
never say OMG. Like, never. It wasn't ever something I identified with, and I jumped on the texting bandwagon way late, so I guess it never took. OMG is how I feel this week. Man, there is so much happening... so much great stuff, and so many stressful things that could take you down in one sweeping motion, if you let them. I WILL NOT let them. I'm forced this year to choose between families for Thanksgiving, because my family decided they just
want to have theirs at the EXACT SAME time as J's family. Yeah... nice, right? We've had this worked out for almost 10 years now, you would think everything could just be smooth sailing. Nope nope. That's not the only bit of stress, just the only one I'm at liberty to share.
(This made me really sad. I remember how hard being a kid is sometimes. Hope is a lot more well-adjusted than I EVER was. I had a really hard time as a kid... extremely shy, no friends, and very easy to tease. I made it, though, like most kids do. I need to remember that even though being a kid can be super fun, it can be very difficult sometimes, too. )
My Renegade prep is almost coming to an end. I received 3 animals in the mail today- ones I had sent off to be in the next issue of
Stuffed Magazine, so that's a bonus! My suitcase shelves are being assembled this week, so I'll have pictures when they are finished, and I made my table banner last night. Just a simple little paper thing, but simple is fantastic at this point!
Yesterday, J took me AWAY from my work so I could be a real person for half of the day and we went thrifting.
Miss Erin accompanied me and we found some frigggggin' amazing treasures. Okay, just one made me lose my breath for a moment, but it made my whole day. :)

I'm in love with this wool blankie with pretty embroidered flowers and yellow fringe!

A sparkly deer to sit atop my newly framed
Pepperminte pics? Yes, please!

An Enid Collins box!!! I love this design. Like, it's either my fav or at least in my top 3! It was super cheap, too. That made it even better!
My studio is starting to overflow...

I can't even use my desk anymore! That's alright. It's what you want before a craft fair!

Sorry for the sad-looking photos. I don't even begin to have the energy to set-up and make things look pretty. I just shot them as-is, in bad lighting... Anyway, I'd better get to work. Several of you are waiting on ornaments. Good news- half will ship out today and half tomorrow!
Happy Tuesday!!! xo Katie