I've always wanted to host a pumpkin carving party. In years past, our house was just too small and when we finally had a big enough place, well, I didn't get my act together quickly enough. I'm happy to report this is our year! I'm planning to have a small group of friends, along with their kiddos, over to our house for snacks, dressing up, and carving (and painting for the smaller kids)! Today I'm teaming up with
Canon USA to show you how the girls and I made our homemade invitations!
*photo you don't mind cutting up (I printed mine with my
*paint and paint brushes
*exacto knife
*laminating sheets (optional)

We started the process by painting a sheet of cardstock orange. Poesy especially enjoyed this part-- the girl LOVES to paint!
After the sheets were dry, I painted jack-o-lantern faces on the sheets and set them out to dry.

When everything was dry, I brought the faces over to my self-healing mat and used my Exact-O knife to cut around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Make sure to leave a portion attached so they open up like little doors!

Next, I used my
PIXMA MG7120 to print up the backs of the party invitations. Easy peasy!

Once those were printed, I trimmed around the pumpkins and matched the pieces of paper. Place your pumpkin card on top of the invitation card (words facing down) and trace around the holes for the eyes, nose, and mouth.
Position your photos were they will go and glue in place. Once those are dry, place the pumpkin on top of the white paper and glue that in place. Now, just let them dry and hand them out to your future guests!

I chose to laminate mine (you can see the bubbles on the back part with the words-- oops!!) so they would look extra nice. If you choose to do this, make sure to laminate your pumpkin face BEFORE you carve it (haha) with the Exact-O knife.
I'm super excited about this party! I can't believe my year is FINALLY here! Now it's time to go buy all the snacks and supplies! xo.