We've been having the loveliest time with our friends. Here are a few more pics of what we've been up to (I'm not used to having this little camera around all the time, so I keep forgetting about it and missing opportunities for fun photos...)

We had the most gorgeous day yesterday, so the park was a perfect fit... of course, we did choose to fill our stomachs with giant burritos chased by ice cream before we went... ugh...

I made a sweet weed flower crown and listened to lots of Love at the End of the World, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, and Wincing the Night Away...

The ice cream truck came for a visit, which pleased Hope more than anything.

After getting all hot and sweaty we had to get drinks... (this girl next to me can't make a regular face for a picture! it's pretty comical, really)

Hope captured some lens flare...

Came across SHARTLESVILLE!!! :D

When we finally got back, I ended up eating tooooo many cherries. Mmmm... I think I'll go have some now. Actually not, it's pancake day- I always used to make blueberry pancakes for my friends, so we're going to have a huge breakfast and stuff ourselves silly. *love and kisses, hugs and misses*
Looks like fun! Hurry home there are lots of fun places to visit here too, like......Ok mabey not, but hurry anyway=)