Friday, September 26

Little Girls Like Haircuts (Or Something Like That)

Poesy Gets Another Haircut
Yeah, yeah... she's lucky she's cute.  Or, she's lucky she's so funny and spunky.  Whatever it is that makes Poesy so darn charming, I'm glad she has it.  As I was getting dressed upstairs the other day, Poe starts yelling for Hope.  Like most afternoons, I reminded her that Hope was at gymnastics.  The rest of the conversation went something like this:

P:  "Well I want to show her my new haircut!"
K:  "She'll be home in a little while, you can show her then."


K:  "Wait.  You mean hairDO, right?  Did you fix your hair all pretty?  Poesy, please tell me you did NOT cut your hair!"
P:  "Well, I made my hair pretty and I want to show Hopey."


K:  "Can you come up and show me?  I'd really love to see it."

Poesy Gets Another Haircut Poesy Gets Another Haircut This is the new hairstyle she gave herself.  With scissors.  That I just properly taught her to use this week.  I seriously didn't know whether to laugh or scold her, so I calmly explained (again) that only Mommy or our friend Phillip (he owns a hair salon) can cut her hair.  The damage had been done, though, so I started hacking away to try and help it.  (And yes: I did paint that shirt on in Photoshop.  TALENT.)

Poesy Gets Another Haircut Poesy Gets Another Haircut
Once I brushed it out I realized the bangs were gonna be okay.  I could just hide those tiny pieces.  The sides were super short, though, and so the really sad part of all of this was cutting off her sweet baby curls.  I kept every single one because that's a weird thing moms do.

Poesy Gets Another Haircut
Anyway... it's just hair, we had another good talk about scissor safety, and that little alfalfa spring on top kinda kills me.  Oh, Poesy.


  1. Wow you did a great job saving it! She is just too cute!

  2. This is too funny! I did the exact same thing when I was her age, which gave my mother a heart attack. Like you said, it grows back!

  3. i did the same exact thing when i was four. i wanted to look like sleeping beauty, so i went into the closet with scissors (why the closet?) and cut myself some poesy-style bangs. i don't think my mom attempted to fix it, though. you get extra points for giving her a nice haircut with what you were left with ;)

  4. ah! too cute though! how could you ever scold her? lol

  5. Bahahaha every single one of her faces in these pictures kill me. Too darn cute

  6. What a cute little biscuit! She's adorable with or without bangs. He he

  7. these are seriously the best kind of posts ever!
    i love it!

    luckily shes smart enough to be safe with them on her own and she gave herself a rocking haircut.
    this kid has more guts than us older ladies.

    go Poe!!!

  8. She is absolutely adorable! I remember cutting my own hair when I was in the 2nd grade (definitely old enough to know better.) I still have this weird puff of hair sticking up in some of my photos. Not the greatest look. :P

  9. I did this when I was her age... with those awful "training scissors" the ones that are white and green (or pink or red)... I made a mess. My mother, a hairdresser by trade was livid with me. I then proceeded to do this again when I was in I think 6th grade, what a mess... Thankfully my hair grows quickly. This made me giggle but you're right she's got the perfect personality to pull off any haircut, I just hope she learned her lesson :)

  10. This is SO sweet and funny. She is still workin' that cute little look! What a great memory to document!

  11. I guess the self-cut hair is a phase every girls has to go through. I did it, too! Cut myself some awesome (sigh!) bangs. But, then again, it's only hair, like you said, and the real treasure is the story she gets to tell her kids someday of how she cut her own hair once.

  12. She seems to be daddy's girl. I would love to know about your husband's reaction to this 'incident'! :)

  13. O my goodness this story cracks me up! Although I can imagine you weren't smiling about it at first. I certainly wouldn't be haha. But man is she ever adorable and you did a great job of rescuing that 'do'. We're expecting our first ( a little lady, too!) and I can only imagine a similar scenarios are in our future. Cute story Katie. Thanks for sharing :)

  14. This is a hilarious story. LOL. Thanks for sharing.

  15. I did this to my sister when she was about 4 just before the annual school photo day, she had gorgeous long red hair until I cut it, I gave myself an obscenely short fringe, my mum still has the pictures they are funny now at the time she did not find it even slightly amusing!

  16. "Weird thing moms do" made me laugh out loud. I often cut my own hair today and it drives my mother ca-razy.

  17. Hahaha! She's great! I did the same when I was her age! :-)
    Kisses from Spain!

  18. O dear...ha! This is just the sweetest story and she is still extremely adorable. Great story and photos to share when she is older. ;) x

  19. too cute! my brother cut my hair when i was about her age and he didn't have quite the touch poesy did.


  20. She is SO cute! It seems like cutting your own hair is some sort of toddler rite of passage! Just about every little kid I know has either cut her own hair, or cut a sibling's hair, while out of their parents' sight for twelve seconds. I don't think I did when I was a kid, but I do remember getting into my mother's makeup and using it to paint my little brother's face like a clown!

  21. Good save!! My girls love hair cuts too, but so far they haven't tried to cut hair themselves.

  22. cutie!!! but with those adorable eyes... who's gonna notice the haircut!?.. this post makes me smile and reminds me how beauty is childhood... :D

  23. Aw, she seriously couldn't get any cuter! <3 When I was a kid I was obsessed with trying to cut my hair.. I thought that if I put bubblegum in my hair I wouldn't get in trouble for cutting it out. Long story short, my plan failed :( Mama wasn't too happy with me! Haha!

    Lost in the Haze

  24. It's a rite of passage I guess ;) you cleaned up her bangs very nicely she looks adorable as always and you're awesome photoshopping clothes on ppl ;)

  25. I'm just crossing my fingers and hope none of my kids get that idea in their head. I think the littlest one may be the one though.... Good thing they have winning smiles to warm mom over.

  26. I think moments where we are not sure whether to laugh or cry remind us not to take things so seriously. It's just hair. The fact she wanted to do it, showing some independence and was happy, is the main thing. I think she's a wonderful little character.

  27. aww. haha. I feel like every child does this at some point. At least its a cute story for later on.

  28. she is just adorable! i'm pretty sure she could pull off any hair cut lol


  29. Hahah awh this is too precious! Poesy is seriously adorable, her little smirk gets me every time.

  30. Oh dear, I am dreading the day when I have girls who want to use scissors to prettify themselves. I don't know that I ever cut my own hair, though, just my poor tortured dolls' hair. Which, of course, got me banned from scissors for a while.
    She's so cute! I'm glad you were able to fix it and hide the bad spots.

  31. Oh that's so cute! How funny :) I used to cut my own hair all the time when I was a kid. I always thought it looked mum and hairdresser didn't think so though!

    Amber at
