Saturday, December 27

Before 2008 is Over...

Before this year ends, I thought I'd give some love to all of the great albums I've acquired and were released in the last 12 months. In no certain order:

Sam Roberts Band: Love at the End of the World

When I first started listening to this album, I was very disappointed in the lack of keyboards, and the fact that it wasn't epic like Chemical City. After I decided to drop my expectations, and embrace the album for what it was, it has become one of my favorites.

The Black Keys: Attack and Release

This is a great record. We were over at a friend's house and he was playing this album and I instantly loved it. It's almost like everything Ryan Adams should've become. The crazy-ish vocals, the rawness, the sloppy instruments...

Fleet Foxes: Fleet Foxes

I decided to hold out for this one until Christmas. There's something about denying yourself that can make something even more special. I'm glad I did. It may be one of my favorite records of all time. The sound textures, especially on vinyl, are so amazing.

Blitzen Trapper: Furr

I fell in love with this band as soon as I heard the title track. I didn't even sample the album... we were in the music store, I saw the record, the rest is history.

I've never been a fan of Rilo Kiley, but when I first heard Jenny Lewis' first solo release, Rabbit Fur Coat, I knew that she was an artist I could respect. The release of Acid Tongue took that love to a whole new level. This album is right up my alley... the multi-part songs and flawed crooning, I adore it.

I had to let this album grow on me. There is so much good content, but there is also some weird stuff: crazy-high miss piggy vocals, double bass, things I wouldn't typically love. I gave it a chance and ended up loving all of the funny stuff. I can't decide if it's because it really is good, or because it's novel.

Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band:

I was torn on whether or not to even include this album in my post. Do I think it's one of the best albums of 2008? No. I do enjoy it, though. And, it's one of the best things that Conor Oberst has ever done, short of his Bright Eyes album Cassadaga. Most everything else I would call mediocre... excluding some of the very beginning, which would be classified as unlistenable...
I just have a hard time seeing it in any grouping with Fleet Foxes...

Death Cab for Cutie: Narrow Stairs

Death Cab is a band that I can never get sick of. Maybe that's why I like them so much.

That's all I can recall for the time-being. I'd love to hear any feedback about these albums, or your own personal favorites for the year!


  1. Fleet Foxes is definately on the top of my albums of the year list! I think the album along with the Sun Giant EP is just wonderful. I am glad that your wait was worth it!

    I agree with all your musical opinions.

    On to a new year and new music!

  2. Hey! =]
    My boyfriend bought me a octopus from your shop for Christmas. I LOVED it and decided to shop for more (I have a list) =P. Anways I saw you had a blogged and checked it out and now you have even MORE kudos for excellent taste in music. =] Some of the bands I didn't know so I'm checking them out but I do love the Black Keys and a couple of others. =]

  3. That's awesome. I really hope you like the other bands you check out. My favorite is Fleet Foxes... all the way.
