I remember a time in the past where I was completely in
awe of anyone who could make their own clothing. I was a novice, at best, and would practice my skills by tailoring friends' t-shirts (very poorly). I discounted EVER being able to sew my own clothing because it seemed impossible. *Way to believe in yourself, past Katie* Oh, yeah. And don't even get me started with how intimidating I found the fabric store to be...
Well, I was wrong. It's not that hard to sew your own clothing. Honestly! If you're rolling your eyes at me right now, hear me out. We all progress in steps, right? Starting out sewing straight lines turns into sewing napkins or buntings or pillow covers. Learning to sew on a curve leads to more detailed projects.
Practicing your skills without fear of failure is key. You are going to fail. Let's just get that out of the way. We all do it. There have been times where I ruined really pretty fabric because I just wasn't paying close enough attention. Or, I spent hours on something and it just ended up getting scrapped. It was a bummer, but also a learning experience. Every messed-up project is a learning experience. Oh, and let's just put that "F" word away. I never did like it much, anyway.

I'm super high and braggy on my friend,
Tilly, and her patterns because they are simple to follow and they have photos to help you grasp the "stitch language" a little better. I just stitched up the
Cleo Dungaree Dress (in my free time, HA HA) and I think it came out adorably. Oh, yeah. Remember when I said I was intimidated by fabric stores? Tilly is actually selling
KITS with everything you need to sew the dress already included now. It's great for newbies... and lazies like me. ;)

There she is in all her glory. This was a just-for-fun sewing project, and honestly, I've been needing more of these with all of the noise happening in the world right now. Sewing can be so therapeutic. Right, fellow stitchers? This is just a little post to *hopefully* either help boost your confidence in sewing clothing, or inspire you to stitch up something fun this weekend! I already have fabric picked out for my next dress! Happy stitching, friends!