I didn't start playing any musical instruments until I was about 21. I've always been really into music, but I was too scared to put myself out there when I was younger. It's honestly taken me a lot of years to get the point where I truly love playing in front of people. For whatever reason, that confidence hasn't come naturally for me. It's been a journey of learning to believe in myself. Sometimes I'm great at it and sometimes I still have to give myself all the pep talks.
Johnny and I have been doing The Mixtapes for about a year now, and I didn't realize how spoiled we've gotten! Playing in a band setting has its difficulties, but I love the unity and energy there. This weekend we dusted off the ol' song lists and did a 3 hour night just the two of us. We figured out it's been 3 years since the last time we played an intimate set, and boy, was it different than our usual gig. I really loved it, but talk about putting yourself out there. Acoustic singer/songwriter folks, all the love to you. It really feels like pouring your heart and guts out.

Our friend Dillon has very appropriately named us "The Shel-Tones". (Our last name is Shelton, get it?) I love it because it sounds like a band straight out of "That Thing You Do", which is one of my very favorite movies of all time.
Anyway, it ended up being a really great night. I'm really looking forward to doing it more and more. Sometimes it's nice just get out there and play just to play!
Also, thanks to my sweet friend, Lauren, for snapping some pics for me! Next time I hope to get a little video to share with you all! Happy Monday!