Here's another small round up of some meals I've cooked recently. I typically like to make meals that are fast and easy, so these are some ideas to spark new food ventures in your life!
Okay, so the photo above-- what is it??
Hoisin Tofu with Veggies
*tofu sautéed in hoisin sauce
*onions, peppers, and mushrooms sautéed in olive oil
*steamed white rice
*veggie dumplings (store bought)
Keeping the veggies separate from the hoisin tofu kept this meal from tasting too hoinsin-y (the technical term). I just love veggie dumplings, so we pick them up from our local grocer pretty regularly. Tossing these in a pan with liquid aminos is so good! I like to serve them with ginger dressing on the side.

What is it?
Tomato Gouda Avocado Toast
*7 sprouted grains bread
*gouda cheese
*2 egg whites
This meal was super simple and showed off just how beautiful and delicious my garden tomatoes have been. The gouda is smoky and gives the effect of bacon very nicely. I'm pretty sure I should make this for lunch today...

What is it?
Tofu Scramble with Cabbage Hash
*medium firm tofu with turmeric, salt, and pepper
*napa cabbage
*orange bell pepper
*fresh cilantro
*wheat toast
This one isn't that photogenic, but it tasted so good! Johnny's been having some food allergies lately (we think eggs may be contributing) and I really wanted to try tofu as an egg substitute. It worked SO WELL and the turmeric even makes the tofu look like eggs. I used this method with meatless sausage and pico in a breakfast burrito this same week and it was amazing!
Like I've said before, I'm no food blogger and I'm certainly no food photographer, this is just a fun way to share some meal ideas that we've had in the past few weeks! Happy cooking!!