Yesterday was crazy. Crazy. First of all, I am not a morning person. AT. ALL. I was up well before the sun, though, because I love my little girl more than life itself (and sleep). She has this thing called Author's Breakfast where the kids have been writing first drafts, revising, revising again, and finally creating stories. This kind of blew my mind considering they are in Kindergarten. Hope's were awesome and so funny. But anyway, the kids prepared us breakfast, meaning the teacher bought donuts and juice (an icky combo) and the children read stories. The plan was to go before school actually started, do Author's Breakfast and head out of town. That was the plan.
We made it to Author's Breakfast, then a tremendous storm hit with 70mph winds and tornadoes, AND to top it all off, the Blythe I have been waiting about a month and a half for (or, and eternity) was supposed to show up on my doorstep. So after we left, we went to the Post Office, Johnny ran through a pond that the rain had created to get to the front door. He came out with the doll and everyone was happy. Well, until we made it to his work to pick up some stuff. The downstairs had flooded. Which sucks, yes, until you consider that there is a preschool having class, and even though their floor is elevated and they won't get swept away by water, they can't leave the room to use the bathroom or anything, so it instantly becomes a catastrophe. Little kids and peeing, they just go hand-in-hand. So they did some work and waved the magic wand or something, and got most of the problem fixed.
Isn't she amazing? She actually creeped me out at first because she looks so real. She was customized by Melacacia.
Next, we headed off on our trip, realizing that the whole park scenario was out of the question. The way there was so sad. So many houses busted in and big road signs snapped in half-- there was one semi truck pulling two trailers that had just been blown over and wrapped around a guard rail. I know I mentioned magic before, but there are times when I really wish I had the Samantha nose twitch. Then I could just put everything back together.
We did end up having a great day, though, and we even made it to the park. I had my Blythe, saw wonderful friends, ate yummy food, and found my missing chair. Here's a picture of the handsome gent we got to spend our day with:

You better believe he was at our show last week, AND rockin' out! But don't worry, he wore his earplugs the whole time. I have to go now and clean an entire bottle of chocolate milk out of my couch. Fun times. Have a wonderful Mother's Day this weekend!!!