I shared a little while back that Poesy girl has
her own Instagram account. It's private for close friends and family only, but every-once-in-a-while I'll be sharing some of the photo gold here. There are lots of pictures of Google, Hope, and toys, but above all, the gal has her selfie game down!

My favorite part of Poe's feed right now is the fact that she's started using voice text for her captions. Here are some highlights:
"People are so judo."
"Something is really great about Hopey."
"Google is the best at eating fish."
"I'm ill and."
"Please don't let the first time since I isolate ornamental."
"I'm not a good time with you and."
"I'm only the best thing ever when I get a job at."
"Best day ever I love it so much more."
"Forever be said forever to me forever be said forever what did it say now telling saying well what you still have the voice thing on so it's copying everything were saying on the oh that's weird."
Sometimes Siri has a hard time interpreting through the adorable lisp, so you never know what's going to come out. If you're interested in video highlights, you can follow along on Snapchat (I'm katevonskunkboy).
Have a wonderful day, friends!