Sam Roberts Band: Love at the End of the World

When I first started listening to this album, I was very disappointed in the lack of keyboards, and the fact that it wasn't epic like Chemical City. After I decided to drop my expectations, and embrace the album for what it was, it has become one of my favorites.

When I first started listening to this album, I was very disappointed in the lack of keyboards, and the fact that it wasn't epic like Chemical City. After I decided to drop my expectations, and embrace the album for what it was, it has become one of my favorites.
The Black Keys: Attack and Release

This is a great record. We were over at a friend's house and he was playing this album and I instantly loved it. It's almost like everything Ryan Adams should've become. The crazy-ish vocals, the rawness, the sloppy instruments...

This is a great record. We were over at a friend's house and he was playing this album and I instantly loved it. It's almost like everything Ryan Adams should've become. The crazy-ish vocals, the rawness, the sloppy instruments...
Fleet Foxes: Fleet Foxes

I decided to hold out for this one until Christmas. There's something about denying yourself that can make something even more special. I'm glad I did. It may be one of my favorite records of all time. The sound textures, especially on vinyl, are so amazing.

I decided to hold out for this one until Christmas. There's something about denying yourself that can make something even more special. I'm glad I did. It may be one of my favorite records of all time. The sound textures, especially on vinyl, are so amazing.
Blitzen Trapper: Furr

I fell in love with this band as soon as I heard the title track. I didn't even sample the album... we were in the music store, I saw the record, the rest is history.

I fell in love with this band as soon as I heard the title track. I didn't even sample the album... we were in the music store, I saw the record, the rest is history.

Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band:

I was torn on whether or not to even include this album in my post. Do I think it's one of the best albums of 2008? No. I do enjoy it, though. And, it's one of the best things that Conor Oberst has ever done, short of his Bright Eyes album Cassadaga. Most everything else I would call mediocre... excluding some of the very beginning, which would be classified as unlistenable...
I just have a hard time seeing it in any grouping with Fleet Foxes...
Death Cab for Cutie: Narrow Stairs

Death Cab is a band that I can never get sick of. Maybe that's why I like them so much.
That's all I can recall for the time-being. I'd love to hear any feedback about these albums, or your own personal favorites for the year!