It's finally that time of year again and I couldn't be happier! It's officially garden season! This year, I've moved my garden boxes from behind our house to the side of our house so they can get more sunshine. Spoiler: the plants are loving it. Here's a bit of a rundown of what I'm growing this year:

In this first box, I'm growing 4 different types of tomatoes (5 plants total) and lots of types of peppers! Johnny and I eat a lot of peppers in general between the two of us, so I decided to just really go for it this year. I have different varieties of bell, banana, serrano, poblano, jalapeƱo... well, you get it. It's going to be a delicious summer. A dozen pepper plants pretty much means we should be swimming in them during the peak of the season.
In addition to those plants, I also have onions, sweet potatoes, and radishes in the box. Don't ask me about the radishes quite get. I'm 100% new to growing those.

I have quite a lot happening in the second box. As you can see, I'm still going strong with my vertical gardening. The peas and beans from seeds are growing up nicely, as well as the squash and cucumbers. I came home with an accidental cantaloupe, so we'll see how that pans out, and a friend sent me some PINK pumpkin seeds. I'm extremely excited about those!
In the photo directly above, you can see that my salad greens from seed and my kale are popping up. I also have several strawberry plants that are producing like crazy so far, and some bee balm and marigolds to attract the good bugs (bees, butterflies, ladybugs) that eat and chase out the not-so great ones. I have quite a crop of marigolds blooming from seed, but I did go ahead and buy a few already-established plants from the garden store to get the party started.
Besides too little sunshine, another challenge I faced last year was lack of pollination in my squash flowers. I don't know if you remember this, but I even tried pollinating by hand! It didn't work for me, so I'm hoping a large crop of brightly colored flowers will attract all the bees this year!

So, that's where I am in my summer gardening adventures. I know, at least for me, gardening excitement pretty much comes in waves, and I feel super into it this year. I'll keep you posted on how it goes!