Monday, May 24


At some point Music Monday will have to become Music Tuesday.  ;)  My record hasn't been great lately for being on time, but I'll make it up to you by posting peeks of my new tattoo tomorrow.  Sound good?  I think blogging and Summer may conflict at certain points, but I'm a true believer in enjoying all the little things you can, when they arise.  I spent my day taking my kiddo to lunch (half day) on her last day of school, we made an appearance at the toy store, drove a silly amount of miles just to have the yummiest Root Beer freeze ever, and spent the rest of the day relaxing.  Totally worth it.

I promise to be back tomorrow with special treats. ;)  xo Katie


  1. I love the way you said, "made an appearance at the toy store." So cute. Can't wait to see your tattoo!

  2. I can't wait to spend summer days with my little one! Enjoy every little moment you can, they get big quick.

  3. such a good mama! and you have great eyebrows. haha.

  4. oh my mom sue to do that for me and my sister too. i think it's an awesome thing to have fun for all the work she did in school. lets face it school is hard. :)

  5. last day of school! so lucky. I have another week!

  6. i just found your blog and was instantly smitten.
    i also do a music monday that started turning into a music tuesday and has recently disappeared :( trying to get back on track! (i also <3 dr. dog)
