Wednesday, May 31

Weekly Wears: Slow Down

Weekly Wears
Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears
(Photos by Elise Abigail Photography)

Let me introduce you to one of my favorite dresses.  Johnny and I took a trip just the two of us last year during one of those points in life where you need to get away.  We spent two days doing whatever we wanted, so there were evenings at our favorite jazz lounge, late mornings and brunch, and a bit of shopping and exploring.  I found this dress on display and it happened to be the only one in the store.  I didn't think it would fit, but I tried it on anyway.  It's one of those simple times where you get to spend REAL time with your person... even if you're just sipping coffee and making jokes. This dress takes me back to that.  😊

Dress: Free People // Bag: ABM DIY by Rachel // Scarf: vintage // Shoes: Swedish Hasbeens

I've been under the weather so far this week after a long weekend, but I'm crossing my fingers that I'll bounce back quickly.  I have two bachelorette parties and a wedding shower to attend/help out with this weekend and I need all the extra energy I can summon!  I'll tell you all about the one I'm throwing on Saturday soon, but my lips are zipped for now so I don't ruin any surprises!

I hope you are having a wonderful week so far!!

Wednesday, May 24


Snapshots Snapshots
Things have been exciting and busy around our house lately.  Poesy's Kindergarten had a graduation ceremony for her class and we decided on which school she will be attending in the Fall.  I'm pumped about this because this particular school comes highly recommended from a teacher friend who works at one of the most sought-after Springfield public schools.  It's feels like such a relief to have this decision over and done with!

I've been collecting a ton of vintage from my closet for a sale coming soon!  I know I've said this a few times, but I'm partnering up with Whurl so no getting too busy this time around!  I've been back on a vintage clothing kick, so need to let some pretties go to new homes to make room for new ones.

Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots
I had the most wonderful Mother's Day.  My sweets made me brunch at home, showered me with thoughtful gifts, and made me feel like a million bucks.  The gorgeous jade plant was my big present for Mother's Day, but Johnny actually gave it to me early as a little pick-me-up during a most stressful week.

I've been working hard in Poesy's room (see the last post for my explanation) and I'm finally at the finish line.  She's stoked on every element I've introduced, so that feels awesome.

Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots
Our garden is starting to produce, band life is kicking into high gear for the summer, and we have some fun trips on the horizon.  I'd be lying if I tried to pretend like juggling all of these things is easy all the time, but a new planner is helping me hold it all together.  I hope your May is treating you well!

Monday, May 22

Poesy's Bedroom "Before"

Poesy's Room
I've been working hard on a room makeover for Poesy but I realized I never shared the last one.  D'oh.  If you're curious about why I would want to redo a room that was already put together, well... Poesy's room set up like this was really cute.  For a few weeks.  The toy storage wasn't practical, too many things were finding a home underneath her bed, and that book wall was charming but wasn't made heavy-duty enough to hold hardback books.  We had a couple of book avalanches and I would prefer my Poesy to not be shaped like a pancake.  😉

Poesy's Room Poesy's Room Poesy's Room
You might recognize a lot of the decor from past room tours and DIYs.  I don't usually feel the need to start from scratch when I'm decorating.  I think utilizing things you already have around your house is great!  Do a little rearranging and they can feel fresh and new.  That way, you can focus on some bigger scale elements with the checkbook and you won't be breaking the bank.

Poesy's Room Poesy's Room Poesy's Room Poesy's Room
I considered changing up the patterned wall when I was putting together this room, but I really love the character it brings to this room.  It makes it feel fun and playful.

Poesy's Room Poesy's Room
Like I said before, this room was really pretty for a little bit, but it was so challenging for her to keep it tidy.  This time around I'm setting her up for success with more storage and less toys.  So far it's coming together nicely!  I'll post about the room makeover very soon!  xo.

Tuesday, May 16

A Lima Bean Love Story

Lima Bean Lima Bean Lima Bean Lima Bean
Poesy came home from school with a little sprouted lima bean in a sack.  She requested to plant it, so I pulled out a pot and showed her how to plant the seed and told her a little bit about how to take care of it.  Poe has helped me in the garden off and on over the years, but to see her little face light up when she talks about her plant... well, I just get it.  It's funny how precious plants and gardening can be, but hey-- I feel the glitter emoji deep when it comes to growing things.  Especially from seeds.

Now, does anyone out there have any delicious ways to prepare lima beans?  I only remember them from childhood and I thought they were grosssssss.  😝

Wednesday, May 10

Weekly Wears: Vintage Paisley

Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears
Aaaahhhh, Spring.  Thank you for finally being here.  Now that the rain has subsided, I have been spending lots of time enjoying the magic of porch swings and cool evenings.  I never seem to be content with one project at a time, so Johnny and I have begun digging out this space for a future backyard patio.  Our patio from last year will still be utilized some, but I want a space for gathering friends that A) isn't sweltering due to 0 air flow, and B) is twinkly and dreamy and comfortable for kicking back with people I love.  The ivy in this back area is gorgeous (though it made it hard to dig out the first layer of ground and grass) and the big old tree will be perfect for hanging lights.  Oh, and if I get really ambitious, I'm thinking of making a screen for the side of that shed for movie nights!  A girl can dream, right?

Skirt: vintage;  Shirt: Marshall's;  Purse: Kate Gabrielle's closet sale;  Bow: Nasty Gal;  Shoes: Swedish Hasbeens

I've been having a lot of fun getting back into vintage clothing lately.  I've found some gems here in town that I plan to alter and I've been going through my collection for a little purge.  You can't keep everything, right?  At least, that's what I tell myself when my wardrobe rack gets so full I can't find anything.  Share the wealth, Katie!  I'll keep you posted on that, for sure.

I'm off to get back to finishing up some DIYs that will be coming to ABM soon.  I hope you all are having a wonderful week so far!

Wednesday, May 3

Easter 2017

Easter 2017
Welp, I'm a little late to the Easter posting party, but hey- I'd rather it be late that not at all.  We decided to dye eggs in the backyard a couple nights before Easter morning and it was the perfect weather and perfect setting.  We got messy, enjoyed the cool breeze, and the girls took trampoline breaks.  I always wonder if this will be the last year Hope enjoys our holiday traditions because of how old she's getting, so it makes my heart especially warm to see her loving these small things still.

Easter 2017 Easter 2017 Easter 2017 Easter 2017 Easter 2017 Easter 2017 Easter 2017
(Hope's face in this one. 😂 )

We spent Easter morning doing our own thing and then headed back to our hometown to visit with both mine and Johnny's parents.  It was rainy and dreary that day, so I opted to be a lazy lady and not bring my DSLR.  This is when I thank the universe for decent iPhone cameras.  Katie, Katie... you should know better by now...

Easter 2017
Johnny and I still exchange Easter baskets.  It's one of my favorite traditions.  I got him a bunch of fancy-person candy and a basketball.  You've gotta have the fun things in there, right?

Easter 2017 Easter 2017
This is the face of "OMG- I got headphones with a microphone for my videos!"

Easter 2017 Easter 2017 Easter 2017 Easter 2017 Easter 2017 Easter 2017
We had a wonderful day all together and I hope that baseball bat stays in the tree for years to come. (It's been there since I can remember.)  Also, Hope is wearing one of my shrunken dresses in the photo above-- WHAT?!

I adore my beautiful family and I'm so thankful for our traditions.  xo.