Thursday, December 30

Closing Shop...

That's right... the time has come for me to close shop for a little while.  I'm not juggling my baby distraction with shipping orders very well right now, so I figure it's only fair to my customers to take a little break.  I do plan to have some of these in the shop by February (hopefully):

I also have something new in the works and I can't wait to share!!!  I love working on things that make you totally excited about your job!  

Oh, and one more thing... I couldn't share until after Christmas, but I got to make a Doxie for a special girl this season.  I was so happy to send it off to her, but even happier when her sister sent me pictures of her opening it on Christmas.  :))

It was loosely based off of her pup... hence the spots and such.  Anyway, time for a great brainstorming session and then back to rearranging the house to open up the baby room.  I had SO MUCH more stuff in the studio than I could have imagined!  xoxo Katie

Wednesday, December 29

Christmas Recap

We had an amazing Christmas this year (like every other year)!  Christmas is my favorite, because everyone in my house is feeling extra cheery and sentimental, and honestly, I couldn't ask for more.  :)  Here's a taste of Christmas morning at our house:

A little letter to Santa...

 Johnny and I both got our fair share of goodies...
Annnnndddd.... Santa brought a hamster!  He must've thought that a Guinea Pig was a little too committed for the time being... ;)

Oh yes... and we were SO HAPPY to have snow on Christmas morning!!!

Now onto New Years Eve!  Do any of you have any amazing plans?  I think I'll have to live vicariously through you this year.  ;)  xoxo Katie

Monday, December 27

A Few of My Favorite Things

Of course my favorite thing about Christmas is spending time with the family... but my second favorite thing is giving all of the thoughtful gifts you've worked so hard to store up, and knowing that someone was trying just as hard to please you.  Here's a little peek at some of my favorite presents this year:

I heart my Wellies.  I want a pair of these in every color.

 Hope gifted me the sweetest little mug.  :)

I'm having a love/hate thing with this dress.  It's so pretty, but I have NO IDEA how soon I'll be able to wear it!

 I'm so happy that these beauties are mine!!!

I'll blog Christmas pictures soon-- I hope yours was just lovely!!!  xoxo Katie

Thursday, December 23

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I have been seriously soaking up all of the holiday festivities in the past couple of days.  Right now my family is eating warm cookies pulled from the oven, we are singing obnoxiously along with Christmas songs, and we are getting ready for Santa to come.  Santa visits our house on Christmas Eve morning, just because we have so many family things going on over the holiday.  I just wanted to wish you all a great one, and thank you for all the love and encouragement.  I seriously adore you guys.

xoxo Katie

P.S.  A little more than 2 weeks till baby comes!  I can't wait to share her name!  <3

Tuesday, December 21

First Day of Freedom

Today is my first day of freedom!  ;)  Okay, I'm being super dramatic, but it is my first day without any holiday orders.  I finished my last one up this morning (I thought I would be done yesterday, but didn't make my deadline), and he was a total labor of love, so I thought I'd share.

His name is Fernando, and as long as his new momma gives him the thumbs up, he will begin his travels to Australia today.  :)

I'm off to spend a little friend and family time today, and maybe a little doll time, too.  ;)

Happy Tuesday, friends!!!  *hugs* Katie

Sunday, December 19


Here are a few peeks at things I've been working on this month!



White Horse

I ship the last of my orders out tomorrow!  I know that makes me happy, as well as the people waiting on them.  You know what that means... Christmas is close!  I have a few more things to pick up, but I'm almost done shopping.  This is going to be the best week... baking cookies, looking at all the pretty lights, listening to Hope sing at a nursing home, giving gifts (!)... I do love this time of year.  :)  xoxo Katie

Friday, December 17

A Little DIY

I have had so many holiday DIYs on the brain lately, but I really haven't had the extra time to execute and shoot them.  I did squeeze one in this weekend... sweet little hot air balloon ornaments.


liquid starch
pretty trim, yarn, feathers, etc
hot glue gun

First, Hope and I just did traditional paper mache over small balloons (no photos b/c my hand were gooey).  I decided to paper mache pretty fabric over mine.

After they dry, pop the balloon and decorate!

We used all kinds of pretties: 

Hope chose to paint her balloon:

After we decorated the balls, we attached baskets to the bottom (I crafted one out of craft spoons, but anything baskety will work) and... VOILA!

They are on the larger side, so if you don't have a big tree to hang them from, they are also great around the house!  Enjoy!  xoxo Katie

Tuesday, December 14


Sometimes it's hard to stay motivated, and I feel like I'm having one of those weeks.  I'm nearing the end of my Christmas orders, but I'm starting to lose steam.  Luckily, it's photos like this that make me happy and keep me inspired to keep on stitching:

Isn't Shannon beautiful?  You should also check out her fireplace DIY.  It's so clever!!!  

xoxo Katie

Monday, December 13

Give 'Em What They Want

I've had several requests for more belly photos in the past few weeks, and while I never feel like stepping in front of a camera right now, I totally did it yesterday.  We were going to go outside and do a cute little photo shoot (it's all snowy!), but once I stepped into my warm home, I decided I couldn't brave the weather again.  After all, I did fall once on the ice yesterday, and  I was not desiring to have it happen again.

If I look huge... well, that's because I am.  My doctor says my belly is measuring a month (whoa!) larger than I actually am, which means I look like I'm full term, but I get another month of not being able to button my coat!  Actually, I'm really thankful for these next few weeks-- I have Christmas orders to finish up and a baby room to get ready.  Yep, you read that right... I haven't even started.  Lucky for me, babies don't need private spaces and beautiful rooms when they get here.  Just a toasty place to stay and lots of love.

I'll be posting a holiday DIY later this week.  For now... happy Monday!  xoxo Katie

Friday, December 10

Randomness From a Girl Named Katie

I'm busy... which makes me feel scattered... which makes my thoughts a random jumble.  I'm juggling my animal deadlines for each day, baby room plans (haven't even started, btw), Christmas gifts, and life in general all in the front of my head.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just makes having a conversation with me a little extra entertaining.  I feel like I'm spewing random thoughts and jumping subjects like nobody's business.  Thank goodness for my notebook.  ;)

1.  I have a new blog button on the side <------ if anyone is interested.

2.  I got a Fuji Instax Wide a couple of weeks ago and it makes me super happy.  :)

3.  This time of year I CANNOT eat enough peppermint bark.  This is probably why I always gain a winter 10.

4.  We are going to see the new Narnia movie tonight.  Hope has been waiting MONTHS!

5.  I crave bubble tea everyday now.  Thanks Elsie/Emma.

6.  We're shopping for a pet.  Shhhhh.  My daughter told Santa that all she wants for Christmas is a pet.  How can he not deliver?  ;)  Since we have a baby coming in 4 weeks, a dog is kinda out of the question for me.  We're leaning towards one of these: 

Have a great weekend... it's time for me to fill my new purse and hit the door.  xoxo Katie

Tuesday, December 7

Ladybug Peeks!

While the blog has been a little quieter than usual, I've been busy at work.  It's almost like I'm just one of the elves.  I have been working on remaking a lot of things that I've made in the past, but every-once-in-a-while someone wants something entirely new.  These are the projects that keep me sane right now!  Here's a very special one for Molly:

I hope this will be a very special gift for her to give.  :)  Okay, back to work for me!  xoxo Katie

Sunday, December 5

Blog Love

My friend Elsie is doing an amazing new e-course called Blog Love.  I think it's such a brilliant idea, and who better to learn from than the blogging master?  I would encourage anyone with a blog to check out this course.  Honestly, it could only leave you excited and inspired...

You can check out full details here!  xo Katie

Thursday, December 2

Happy A-Word.

Happy Anniversary, Mr. J.  Can you believe it's been 10 years?!  We were nuts... and so in love... I'm glad we still have that... :)

Remember how scared we were when we became first time parents?  Terrified of the world... terrified it would change everything between us... and, it did.  In the best way.  Two best friends became three best friends... and so it continues now with this little one on the way.  Three best friends will become four... 

So... now we celebrate 10 years of marriage.  You've been my closest pal for 13 years.  Thanks for all of the times... good and bad.

xoxo Kate  
P.S.  Totally embarrassed yet?  This is pretty touchy-feely.  ;)