Friday, December 10

Randomness From a Girl Named Katie

I'm busy... which makes me feel scattered... which makes my thoughts a random jumble.  I'm juggling my animal deadlines for each day, baby room plans (haven't even started, btw), Christmas gifts, and life in general all in the front of my head.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just makes having a conversation with me a little extra entertaining.  I feel like I'm spewing random thoughts and jumping subjects like nobody's business.  Thank goodness for my notebook.  ;)

1.  I have a new blog button on the side <------ if anyone is interested.

2.  I got a Fuji Instax Wide a couple of weeks ago and it makes me super happy.  :)

3.  This time of year I CANNOT eat enough peppermint bark.  This is probably why I always gain a winter 10.

4.  We are going to see the new Narnia movie tonight.  Hope has been waiting MONTHS!

5.  I crave bubble tea everyday now.  Thanks Elsie/Emma.

6.  We're shopping for a pet.  Shhhhh.  My daughter told Santa that all she wants for Christmas is a pet.  How can he not deliver?  ;)  Since we have a baby coming in 4 weeks, a dog is kinda out of the question for me.  We're leaning towards one of these: 

Have a great weekend... it's time for me to fill my new purse and hit the door.  xoxo Katie


  1. I had a guinea pig growing up, they're great pets! only downside is the cleaning of the cage. but they're super super cute!

  2. Ohh, I think a guinea pig would be great! I know my younger cousins love them. And, heck, so do I. They're just too cute. Hahaha. :)

  3. hamsters are great, too ;) I had a hamster for 2 years and she was probably the best pet I've ever had.

  4. i want that camera! it's amazing!!

    allister bee blog

    happy friday!

  5. katie, I gotta tell ya, I just found your site and cute lil critters today through Vol. 25's blog. I think I'm majorly in love with your creations. Like MAJOR-LY.

  6. We have a japanese chin, they are so sweet and delightful , not to mention small! Yes its's a dog but just barely. guinea pigs can be cute, what is their life span?

  7. oh my goodness! hope will be a happy little girl on christmas :)

  8. We had guinea pigs growing up. I loved them! They are good for kids to learn responsibility without being too much work. And I liked that they were big enough to hold easily without worrying about them wiggling away!

  9. If you can get past the tail, rats makes really great pets. I had one when I was a kid and they are really smart.

  10. I'm busy... which makes me feel scattered... which makes my thoughts a random jumble

    so this ^ too.
    at least you can write a cohesive blog post still :)

  11. love the guinea pig. super cute!

  12. Also, Rats make very great pets. They are sweet and affectionate. They do great with kids and aren't very high maintenance. Also, they tend to be hearty. (:

  13. HECK YES! Camera twin! I got one about a year ago and I LOVE it. I don't use it enough, but I love it nonetheless. It's kind of my "I only use this on special people" camera haha.

  14. guinea pigs are sweet but very skittish. I have two rats for my boys (well me too I love them) and they are the sweetest things. My one follows me around like a dog. I hope you find a little friend your daughter will love. There are usually always alot on craigslist or breeders in your area if you can find them.

  15. I am 100% with Hope on this Narnia business!!! We have been waiting all year!

    And YES! Guinea pigs make such good pets! My two little nephews have had one for years and still love him, strawberry is his name.

  16. don't kiss them, or let them kiss you...they can have salmannial (sp?)

  17. cuuute! i had 2 guinea pigs when i was a kid and they are so fun!

    next time you want things for that baby, let's do a trade! i need a creature.


  18. My first pet was a guinea pig! He was awesome. My little sister had one too, and they had babies. The babies were the cutest things ever.

    You should know, guinea pigs make lots of noise. They'll squeal when you come home and the chewing on the water bottle is kind of loud. We used to put a sheet over their cage to make them go to sleep at night, which worked pretty well.

    But they're totally adorable and furry and they have little leashes you can walk them on!

  19. Bubble tea and peppermint bark are the BEST kind of winter 10!! They are two of my favourite foods, probably ever.

    And I think guinea pigs are adorable. A bit smelly, but if that doesn't bother you, they are quite nice.


  20. mmmm peppermint bark is heavenly!

    that camera looks like a fun one! i didn't know they had them in wide!

  21. a guineau pig is so sweet! they make the cutest sounds! i wish i knew what pepperminst bark is, we dont have that in Holland... but i feel like im missing out on something haha

  22. I want that instant camera!
    That guinea pig is adorable, but I prefer kittens.

  23. Guinea pigs are awesome! I had one with red eyes when I was little, she was cleverly named... Ruby.

  24. I love guinea pigs!! I had two while growing up and they lived a nice happy life. They loved to be warm and they loved to burrow into things so I had large pieces of pvc pipe cut for them to cuddle in and they loved being held in a fleece blanket while I watched TV.

  25. I LOVED guinea pigs! SO fun. I had two growing up. Idk what kind of a kid Hope is, but I was a "squeezer" with animals. So my parents had to have a talk with me about that after guinea #1 bit me. But they are really low maintenance, as long as you keep up on the cage- which will probably be mostly your job haha ;)

  26. I have added your new button, its so lovely!

    Love Danielle

  27. I LOVE bubble tea. It's the best thing since sliced bread. And you really can't go wrong with a guinea pig. :)

  28. My boyfriend has a guinea pig (and yes he is 26 not 12 :]). That guinea pig is sooooo cute and funny. He does make a lot of noise. He has his happy purr and his scared squeaks but they are all adorable noises. They are also pretty easy to pick up and hold. We bought a little carrier and take him with us sometimes. He also has a portable fence so we'll take him to the park and let him run around in grass. Just make sure you keep their nails trimmed or else they can grow into the feet.

  29. aww guinea pigs are the sweetest! very good pet for a young girl, so soft and snuggly :-)

  30. Guinea pigs can need a lot of attention and care, but I love my little piggy girl. She's the best pet I've ever had. So, so worth it!

    Also, this is one of the best websites for guinea pig care info:

  31. You can set up your very own DIY pet monitoring system by using any simple, off-the-shelf webcam. Even old, unused ones that you may have lying around will work. Decide on the number of cameras you wish to set-up (usually - one in every room that your pet may walk around in, with a maximum of 4 cameras). Once you're done with this, use a webcam software like GotoCamera that's easily available on the internet. Some of them even offer a basic version of this service for free. By paying a bit more ( usually, not more than $4 a month), you will get a whole bunch of added benefits such as motion detection, email alerts, mobile alerts, etc.
