Monday, December 13

Give 'Em What They Want

I've had several requests for more belly photos in the past few weeks, and while I never feel like stepping in front of a camera right now, I totally did it yesterday.  We were going to go outside and do a cute little photo shoot (it's all snowy!), but once I stepped into my warm home, I decided I couldn't brave the weather again.  After all, I did fall once on the ice yesterday, and  I was not desiring to have it happen again.

If I look huge... well, that's because I am.  My doctor says my belly is measuring a month (whoa!) larger than I actually am, which means I look like I'm full term, but I get another month of not being able to button my coat!  Actually, I'm really thankful for these next few weeks-- I have Christmas orders to finish up and a baby room to get ready.  Yep, you read that right... I haven't even started.  Lucky for me, babies don't need private spaces and beautiful rooms when they get here.  Just a toasty place to stay and lots of love.

I'll be posting a holiday DIY later this week.  For now... happy Monday!  xoxo Katie


  1. ahh you're such a doll. your bow is so adorable and love the pink tights! So glad you are embracing the end of the pregnancy!! YOU'RE ALMOST DONE!!

  2. You look absolutely beautiful, Katie :) you are such a great mom and new little girl is lucky to have you! I can't wait to see your bundle of joy :)
    Love and Turtledoves,

  3. Awwww! I can't get over how adorable you are!

  4. Aw your outfit is so cute. I love the mix of colors with the tights and shoes!
    You are so close! I am sure that as a small biz owner, you will be super happy having your little baby arrive after holiday sale, phew!
    <3 Moorea

  5. so close!
    and you look absolutely beautiful, miss katie!
    i hope to look at least half as gorgeous as you do when i have a little kiddo... in about 10 ish years. haha:)

  6. you look unbelievably adorable. i think the indoor shoot was a good call, everything looks festive and cozy.

  7. Your belly is so adorable! And you are just too pretty! :]

    I can't believe you're almost done!

    Oh and I LOVE your outfit!

  8. So adorable! I'm pretty sure I lived most of my pregnancy in sweatpants and a giant old maternity dress, I'm amazed you've managed to look so cute. Almost makes me want to give it another go. Almost.

  9. That dress is so cute on you! Good thing you're tiny to begin with - you can just move up a few sizes to fit that big baby. I'm measuring big too - but I was with Luke so that's no surprise. You looks so pretty - I'm excited for you. Enjoy this last month! love jill

  10. Katie, you and your style are so adorable! I hope the little one comes as soon as you're ready, mama. :)

  11. You look gorgeous! You're absolutely glowing pretty girl :). I also LOVE your outfit!

    Congratulations on the addition to your family!!

    - Marisa

  12. How exciting!!! YOu just look so pretty and so happy! :)

  13. you look so so cute with your little belly bump!! :) did they move your due date any since you're measuring larger?? i bet that means that you're not going to have a big baby, but that she's going to visit early :) maybe??? haha...

    i love what you wear!!


  14. First off, thanks! For making me feel okay for never having my nursery finished....she was 3 before that happened. Oops. YOU HAVE ANKLES!!!! No fair. I had cankles. And they were God awful to look at....anyway. You are super cute and I just adore you. And no more slipping on ice!!! Ouch and scary.

  15. Your house looks SO dreamy right now and you are such a cute little sailor girl. :) I wish you the best time management in the world these next few weeks!

  16. beautiful outfit, i love everything about it but those are so adorable! :)

    i really like the decorations in the background too xx

  17. Oh my, you are just the cutest pregnant lady ever! I love your dress and cardigan! You look supremely happy!

  18. so pretty, and that dress is too cute for words. love that green chair, too!

  19. Well, I think you look wonderful xxxxxx

  20. Your outfit is sooooo cute!! :D


  21. being completely honest... I think you are one of the most adorable pregnant ladies I have ever seen!

  22. you look amazing. so so so adorable.

  23. you are so so so cute! The sailor piece is so adorable!

  24. you are so darling! i just love your blog. <3

  25. super-adorable tights/shoes combo :) also I totally want to steal your christmas tree... we haven't put one up because of our crazy kittens, and I love yours!

    xo leanna

  26. Katie I love your blog! Since you and Hope love BLYTHE dolls, and cute little things you should chceck out " Blythe loves littlest Petshops" It's a little line from littles pet shop. It comes with a BLYTHE doll and a littlest pet shop with.....matching outfits!
    be sure to check it out!!!! <3

  27. Katie, you look BEAUTIFUL! Such a stylish momma!

  28. you look so sweet, i love your outfit. it lovely to see as this time last year i was due to have my little girl! it so lovely to have a holidya baby :)


  29. You're such a beautiful mama! Your dress is gorgeous. Not long to go now (:

  30. Hey girl,
    I'm doing a Christmas card swap at my blog and would love to have you join in :)

  31. You look gorgeous!! All the decorations behind are lovely too. :) At least you can use the excuse of not buttoning your coat to send others on errands for you, right? ;)

  32. you look wonderful! love those shoes... if only they were not made of leather. ho hum.

    and you are right about the whole nursery not being ready thing. we didn't have anything ready when my son malcolm was born (he was 2 weeks early). we actually didn't even have any diapers or crib bedding. but we made do and figured it out along the way. you will too, and you'll be fine :)

  33. You are adorable!! love your dress you look oh so cute!!!

  34. Have you ever watched the movie Away We Go with John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph? It's really cute. This post reminded me of it because Maya Rudolph's character is trying to travel in an airplane, but they won't let her board because she looks over 8 months pregnant even though she's only six! You should check it out :)
