Tuesday, April 30

Make A Bandeau From Old Leggings

Yesterday I was searching and searching my house for a bandeau to prevent an inevitable wardrobe malfunction.  I have a bunch, but I couldn't find any.  Anywhere.  I NEEDED one to wear under a specific dress, so I decided to make one.  I have a huge fabric stash, but sometimes it feels daunting to go through it all.  I was in a hurry... and maybe feeling just a little lazy.  Anyway, I found these tie-dye leggings that I wore maybe once and decided they would do.

I cut just below the elastic on the waist and just above the (ahem) crotch.  I tried it on, decided how tight it needed to be and then stitched a straight line there.  I cut off the excess and put it on.  It was that simple.  If you like a more finished look, you could definitely hem the top and bottom, but honestly, I don't care a bit about the rolled edges.

I'm probably going to end up doing this with all of my old leggings just because it's super simple and gives them new life.  Plus, I can never find the things when I need them, so it never hurts to have a few extra.  ;)


  1. What a good idea. I have got a lot of leggings I don't wear anymore. Maybe it's time to re-fashion :)

  2. Great idea - and you could recycle the leg bits as leg warmers maybe?

  3. such a great idea, especially as the weather warms up! this looks supercomfy as well... genius!

  4. Great idea! So simple and it looks great too. Love your blog!

  5. What a cool idea ! I now know what I'm gonna do with these old leggings that I don't wear anymore !

  6. Love it! I will do this next week! Such an great idea ♥

  7. This is a really smart idea, I'm always getting holes in leggings so it'd be good to be able to reuse them in some way, I had been thinking about cutting them to make yarn but both may be possible

  8. A perfect idea for the warm season!

  9. Great idea!



  10. Yay! This is so simple but so clever! I just chucked a pair of leggings I was wearing today into my refashion pile because my legs are too long for them and I hate the feeling of the crotch at my thighs!

  11. This is a great idea. I think I'm going to have to try it. Hanna

  12. Chris - @nylonlover69 on TwitterApril 30, 2013 at 7:19 AM

    What a great idea! And perfectly exercised too!

  13. I have these same leggings and I can never decide what to wear them with. This is such a great idea.

  14. I've been meaning to buy a bandeau or two. But now I think I may just cut up a few pair of super old leggings. :) Thanks for the idea, Katie!

  15. Fantastic idea! I tend to have the same issue - I definitely gotta try this asap!! :)

  16. great idea!!! going to try this!! :)


  17. And with the leftover legs you can make baby leggings for poesy!

  18. Brilliant!!!

  19. simple and amazing idea for all my old leggings! Thanks for sharing x

  20. I would love to know where the shirt is from!

  21. Yes! Thank you soo much for this idea. It's hard for me to find a bandeau that fits well because I have larger *ahem* chest and a small waist. So either they're too big around waist, or too small around my bust. Plus, I have tons & tons of old leggings I never wear.
    Definitely gonna try this out!
    Thanks ^_^

    xo Melanie

  22. This is my kind of project--spur of the moment and inspired by a need. I love it! I also gave new life to some old clothes in a project on my blog this week. Check it out!


  23. This is a super idea!

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  25. You're so stinkin cute. Your posts make me smile. ;]

  26. Ohmigosh!! What a genius idea! I am doing this with all my leggings that the dog has attacked with his, albeit lovely, very sharp claws!! ;)

    Sophie | onetenzeroseven

  27. I'm forever looking for my bandeau tops, so this is a super idea!

    Maria xx

  28. great idea never thought of that!

  29. oh woah. very clever. this diy bandeau has never even crossed my mind!
    phenomenal. thanks for that tip and idea!

    - Janine

  30. Love that idea! Would you consider ever doing a post about how you stay so stinkin' thin? :-) I really enjoyed Emma's post on health and exercise, and I'm just curious how you stay so adorable! :D

  31. This is such a great idea, thanks for sharing :)

  32. I'd like never get the idea for such a DIY but it's so great, love it! :) It's a shame I don't own any leggings.

  33. this is fantastic, I made one last night out of a pair of black leggings and it was so easy and looks so cute! I used the waistband elastic for a skirt I am making and used the legs to make two headbands for working out. What a great inspiring use of something all us girls have wayyyy too many of in our closets :-)

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I have a pair of leggings that are all ripped at the bottom, but the top of them is just fine! I might have to do this when I find the time.
