Tuesday, April 30

April Showers// How Does Your Garden Grow

We've had quite a bit of rain over the past couple of weeks.  The rain has killed off some motivation for going places and making plans, but I love what it's doing for our green things.  The tiny green strawberries are so cute it hurts.  Hope and I planted cucumbers and herbs this week, so I'm excited to see how they grow in.  Oh, and the mint is going CRAZY.  I need to get on making some seriously minty drinks, stat!


  1. Haha! Well, at least mint is a delicious thing to have at hand...

  2. loooooooooooooooove this post!
    maybe you can share some recipes for mint? Mine is growing like crazy!

  3. My minty iced tea recipe is at: http://aivlysann.wordpress.com/2013/02/17/homemade-iced-tea/

    I've made it both with and without lime, and with either peppermint or black tea bags and they're all delicious - it seems like citrus+mint iced tea is hard to get wrong...

  4. Pretty pictures! We could use a little rain our way.

  5. I love the taste in mint in the spring. Let us know your recipes when you make minty drinks :)

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  6. These photos are gorgeous. I love the clear umbrella shot. Yay--thanks for posting these! <3


  7. Gardens are the best, I miss growing stuff! So glad I'm not the only one that finds seedlings ridiculously cute, I only have an avocado stone on the windowsill starting to sprout, but I find it too adorable!

  8. Woop! Maybe April showers do actually bring May flowers (and various other green things)??

    Maria xx

  9. My mom always said never to plant mint directly in your beds because it will take over -- if you have it in a bed you might want to move it while you can still control it to a little pot! Also, totally jealous of your garden -- I have a few little growing experiments sitting in windows, maybe I'll add a little mint in your honor ;)

    1. It was already there when we moved in, but we'll keep it under control. Thanks!

  10. Careful with that mint, it will take over your entire garden!

  11. These pictures are all fantastic. The greenery is so pretty Hanna

  12. Lovely photos :)

    Be careful to keep that mint in check - it's roots are super invasive and will take over your whole garden if you let it!

  13. THe mint will take over... its spreads like mad and comes up over and over again..So love your pictures....enjoy the spring!

    1. Thanks for the tip-- the mint is getting pretty crazy so we'll be digging it up soon. :)

  14. Love this post! Spring is such a gorgeous season.

    -Becca! Ladyface Blog

  15. That egg shell is so pretty!!

    Hooray mint! So many possibilities! :)

  16. I can't wait to actually start my garden this season. I'm away at school so I have to wait, but I'm still super excited!

    xo Jackie

  17. We dry our mint and use it all year long. We've been growing the same batch of mind that my grandmother originally stared many, many years ago. My dad has a huge mint patch in his garden, and now so do I. We use the dry mint as a seasoning for breadcrumbs, crushed over green beans with olive oil and white balsamic vinegar, and in home made meat or bread balls.

  18. I love your photos! I thought I would pass this along because someone told me via my blog the first time I planted mint - you have to be careful if it's sharing a garden or pot space with other plants. It grows so aggressively it can crowd out and choke other plants! I guess it's a "doesn't play well with others" kind of herb :)

    1. Yes- I definitely need to get it under control. It was there when we moved in and now it's trying to take over!

  19. I found a robins egg this week too. So pretty. I plant cucumbers every year. Mine usually grow out of control. I learned to not put mulch around mine because it attracts squash bugs and they kill your plants. If you see these white bugs, spray your plants with diluted dawn dish soap and that should help. Happy gardening.


  20. awesome photography.

    - Janine

  21. The photos look beautiful! It just keeps snowing here....and I am so not complaining!

    Christen Louise

  22. This is great and those pictures are awesome. We just did some gardening ourselves in celebration of Earth Day. We planted a lot of things that we can use in our culinary lives: garlic cloves, a blueberry bush, cantaloupe, stevia, dill, and a lot of different peppers. We're pretty excited about it and the Florida rain is helping us remember to water... well, making it so we don't have to!

    Ricky & Sarah
