Wednesday, July 13

The Organization of Things

I've decided lately that I need a little more organization in my life... and by a little, I mean A LOT.  My former studio is now a baby room, which leaves me stuffing work supplies in every nook and cranny around the house.  I'm currently working on a special project that, when completed, will leave me (hopefully) with a tidy house and a ton of motivation.  Fingers crossed!

This is my first bit of organization inspiration.  How could I not want to stuff the pockets of this lacey lovely?  I can't wait to share when it's all finished.  :)

I'm spending my day in Kansas City with the super sweet Vanessa today.  Sometimes getting away for a girl's day is just what the doctor ordered!  Happy Wednesday!  xoxo Katie


  1. That is GORGEOUS! Love it - and definitely agree that it's easier to organise if you have cute storage!

    Rosie xx
    Just Listen

  2. that lace organizer is
    pretty amazing! love it!

  3. I love anything with lace! That is beautiful and I love how decorative and feminine it is!

  4. the organizer looks awesome. Way better than having all the clutter spread across the floor (not that that would ever happen in my room... haha).
    I just found your blog through your guest post over at a beautiful mass. can't wait to read through some of your blog posts to 'get to know' your blog :)

  5. A new reader from Finland wants to say hello, so "hi!" :) I love, LOVE your blog!

  6. You and I are on the same page! 1. that lace is gorgeous. 2. Organization is key. I have been using Wunderlist to help my mind stay organized lately. It has been helping so much!

  7. It's really gorgeous! ♥ lovely~

  8. Ok. I just found your blog through my lovely friend Velvet Bird! I am so in love! Now following:)

    xo, Strawberry Moth

  9. Anything with pockets and I am SOLD! This is so darling.


  10. oh my gosh thats exactly what I've been slaving away at for weeks. It feels sooo good to have everything organized. I feel like I have a new house!!! That lace organizer is FAB.

  11. Lovely. Organization is my favorite thing ever! However, it's not always the easiest thing ever...

    ♥ sécia

  12. Oh I know how you feel!
    This week has marked the transition from studio space into baby's room at our place - and in the meantime there's crap everywhere! I lay awake at night dreaming of nesting and organisation .... ahhh!
    p.s. just found your blog this morning - LOVE!! x
