Monday, July 11

Hair DIY: Favorite Way to Wear 'Em

My bangs are getting long.  I've promised myself that I won't cut them until after the summertime heat subsides, so I find myself pinning them a lot.  Here is my current favorite way to them:

See what I mean?  Long.
Bobby pins to the rescue!

It's oh-so simple!

hugs and hugs-- Katie


  1. Cute cute cute!

    I just happen to be growing OUT my bangs and am on the lookout for cute solutions in the meantime!

    Talia Christine

  2. That is soooo cute! My bangs are really long and I can't decide if I want to grow them out completely or not... Until I do, you have just provided me with a very cute alternative from looking a bit like a sheepdog!

  3. Years ago I grew my bangs out and had no idea how to wear them, now I do and now they're short! D'oh!!!

  4. Gah! Wish mine were that long. I caved & cut them yesterday!

  5. So gorgeous. My bangs are super long at the moment too...I know what I'm trying tomorrow!

    Oh, could you do a DIY on your simple but gorgeously flattering makeup? I don't like to cake my face up or go overboard with eyeshadow, but I love your look. :)

  6. very cute. my bangs are almost that long so soon i'll be doing this too.

  7. Oh, cute! Mine are in an awkward phase, I'll have to try this.

  8. cute cute! I'm trying my best to let mine grow...not an easy task! Can't wait to try this :)


  9. This is so cute! I love these hair tutorials. I'm sure you've noticed by now, but your braids-with-lace tutorial made it over to CraftGawker (iPhone app). I beamed with pride for you! hehe

  10. Lacey-- I actually had no idea! Thanks for letting me know! xo.

  11. Aw, I love this look Katie! I never know what to do when my bangs get that long but I am not going to give in on this mission to grow them out! Love your hair DIYs. =)

  12. That's so cute! I wish I'd had this two weeks ago when my bangs were horribly long. I just cut them so I'll have to wait a bit to try this. But now I know what to do with them when they get too long again! I love it - thanks! ♥

  13. My bangs are about the same length, and I'm doing the same thing, waiting for fall. Cute way to pin them back!

  14. Thank you so much for this, it is sooo cute. I wish my hair would be so cooperative!

  15. thats really cute! I like the 40s twist to it :)

  16. Too cute! My bangs are getting pretty long as well, but I may not have the same courage to grow them out as you do. Thanks for the tip!

  17. Super cute!!

    Growing out bangs is always tough, but this is the cutest way I've seen of keeping them out of the way! :)

  18. Katie I love this! I'm in the same boat as you- I am determined to not cut my this is a great alternative! Thanks darling!

    Hope all is well with you and your fam. <3

  19. I love this tutorial! My bangs are totally longer than necessary, too. SO cute, thanks for sharing!

  20. I just decided to cut my bangs today because I was getting so sick of not knowing what to do with them. Your idea is so cute. I'll try to remember it for next time they get long again! xo

  21. very pretty! i always pin them to the side with bobby pins but i like the little loopty loop. :)

  22. THIS IS WONDERFUL! My bangs are terribly long, too! I've been pinning them back for weeks. Thanks for sharing!

  23. I did this today and I had not one but two compliment, so simple yet oh so very effective. Thank you.

  24. SO CUTE! I am going to try this as soon as my bangs are long enough.

  25. This is adorable! I absolutely love your hair. I have a question for you, do you colour your own hair? I've been dying my hair red for over 2 years now and I keep playing with different shades and brands of hair dye. But I really love the colour of your hair right now.

  26. Oh so cute!
    My hair is kinda short but I think I can pull it off!

  27. Holy cute! I wonder if mine are long enough to try this. (They're pretty freakin' long!) I'm waiting for fall to cut them too!

  28. ahhhh that's so cute!!! i love it for those flyaways to just pin them down but do it in a super cute way!!

  29. LOVE your hair! feauterd you on my blog :)

  30. I love, Love, LOVE your hair!!! And this is a fantastic idea :) Thanks for the post!! :)

    Orls xx

  31. really super pretty, i've tried to do this before, and maybe it actually worked, but i like seeing the pictures here! lovin your sweetest blog! found you through A Beautiful Mess...Merry Christmas!

  32. That is soooo cute! My bangs are really long and I can't decide if I want to grow them out completely or not... Until I do, you have just provided me with a very cute alternative from looking a bit like a sheepdog!

  33. Definitely I like to try this simple and yet beautiful.

  34. So gorgeous. My bangs are super long at the moment too...I know what I'm trying tomorrow!
