Wednesday, December 9

Skunkboy Creatures Are Back

Well, I don't really know how many years it has been since I last made any creatures (7ish?), but tomorrow I will be putting a handful of deer busts and ornaments in the shop! I honestly didn't see this coming, and I plan to take it very slow at first so I don't experience the same burnout I did in the past. If you're curious, that's not the only reason I took such a long break. Life got busy and I found myself so tied up all the time that I didn't have much space to just be a mom or see friends on top of our band gigs and whatnot. Anyway, I just didn't want to insinuate that I made so many animals that I ended up HATING it. I still love these little guys. Who knows, maybe I'll even start blogging a bit again. We did SO. MANY. home projects this year. Maybe I'll give some more details than an IG square. Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself. For now, let's focus on the shop update. It's tomorrow (12/10) and I'm sure at least a few people are here for the details.

*Animals will go live at 7pm CST over in my Big Cartel shop.
*This is quite a small offering, but I do hope to slowly release more. There aren't multiples of the deer busts, but there will be multiples of the ornaments. 
*I will be adding a deposit option for 3 custom orders. I am so very excited to get back to customs. I have made some really special animals in the past bc of your requests. These special orders will not be ready before Christmas.
*It is looking like shipping will be a bit pricey this year. Shipping will cost you what it costs me. I will not price gauge on shipping, but I know for bigger items it seems quite expensive. Just typing in dimensions and weight, deer busts look to be anywhere from $30-$40 to ship. Ornaments will be much cheaper, as they will ship in padded envelopes. 

Those are the bones of the update. If you have any questions that I didn't cover, please leave them in the comments and I will get to them as quickly as possible. Thank you all for being here! It feels good to be in this space again!

xo. Katie