Wednesday, March 29

Plants and Propagating Progress

Plant Talk
I hosted a plant swap recently (you know I love gatherings) and it was such a fun night.  All of the ladies that came seemed to have knowledge of different plants and I feel like we all got to learn something.  I've struggled with succulents in the past (I know, I know... they're easy) and I'm having my first bit of success with propagation.  It's a small success, but exciting just the same!

Plant Talk
Can you see the baby roots sprouting out?  I've become a little obsessive and probably check them everyday, but like I said-- this is the first time I haven't killed the babies immediately!  Yay! Basically, I just needed to stop "taking care of" the leaves and just let them be.  When they would start to shrivel, I was certain they needed water.  Nope!  They were forming roots and new babies.  Dry soil is your best friend here.  Thanks to all my IG friends who have answered a million of my questions!

Plant Talk
I also learned that you can propagate Pothos cuttings in water.  It's recommended to plant them in soil after they start sprouting roots so they can adapt to soil a little more easily.  I have a ton of this plant around my house, so I'm excited to start sharing babies with friends!

I'm testing out some other propagation methods on various plants, so I'll let you know how they go in the coming months.  Do you have favorite plants to grow indoors?  I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of the trickier (for me) plants.  It's all a learning process, right?  xo.

Tuesday, March 21

Weekly Wears: Let's Get Casual

Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears
I'm finally getting out of that winter-time clothing funk.  It happens to me every year.  Once it's been cold for a while, I find myself wearing the same round of my warmest tights and Johnny's warmest sweaters.  Spring has popped by and said "hello" a few times recently and I'm finding myself WANTING to get dressed again.  This getup wasn't really intended for an outfit post, but I figured-- hey, why not post a day-to-day outfit?  I honestly wear the same necklaces and glasses most days, carry the same purse regularly, and wear my hair down until the weather warms because I'm a baby when it comes to being cold.  But, you know... that's real and I'm sure lots of you ladies are in the same boat with me!

Shirt: vintage // Jeans: J. Brand // Purse: Bali Elf // Shoes: Lotta From Stockholm // Scarf: vintage // Glasses: BonLook-- Skunkboy "Twinkle Tort" // Hand necklace: Datter

I've been working on a few new DIYs to share over on ABM in April and I'm excited for you guys to see them!  Thanks to all of you who left sweet words on my home tour.  I shared those rooms over here one-by-one, but it's fun to see them all together.  I hope your week is off to a great start!  xo.

Tuesday, March 14


Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots
I seriously can't believe we're already well into March!  I feel like these early months of the year are just flying by.  We've been keeping busy with various home projects (like always) and mapping out what things are important for us to accomplish this year.  I'm currently in the process of getting myself back to regular posts on ABM, focusing more energy over here on my blog, and planning out local plant and flower workshops I'll be hosting in the next few months.  I'm liking these goals so far!

Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots Snapshots
I had the opportunity recently to go in and style (and help model in) a commercial shoot for SnackCrate.  I'll be interested to see what they do with the photos.  We were aiming for really fun and over-the-top images, and the photographers we were working with were great!

Hope has finally finished up her competitive season of gymnastics.  She really killed it this season.  How can someone make an aerial look so effortless?  Sheesh.  Oh, and if you asked me to do ANY of the stuff she does on beam I might literally just run away.

Other than that, I'm working on getting better at propagating plants, spending quality time with my people, and enjoying this new small kitty we've adopted.  You know, the usual.

I hope you are all having a great March so far!  It's snowing here today, but my fingers are crossed for warmer weather on Saturday.  Our band is supposed to be playing an outdoor concert.  Yikes!

Tuesday, March 7

Skunkboy x BonLook Sale

BonLook has extended their 20% off cat eye glasses sale!  If you've been wanting to snag a pair of my Skunkboy frames, now is a great time to do so!!  

Happy Tuesday, friends!

Monday, March 6

Welcome to Our Home: The Music Room

Skunkboy Music Room Tour
In our last house, we would often have to set up band practice in the middle of our living room or bedroom.  It was kind of a bummer considering we basically had instruments everywhere, and it made my house regularly feel like chaos.  Here in the Jefferson house, we finally have a music room!  Oh my, is it ever a God-send.  This space goes from lovely to looking like it exploded weekly, but it doesn't matter because it's all contained!  Chaos out of sight = Katie's brain works better

Skunkboy Music Room Tour Skunkboy Music Room Tour Skunkboy Music Room Tour Skunkboy Music Room Tour Skunkboy Music Room Tour Skunkboy Music Room Tour Skunkboy Music Room Tour Skunkboy Music Room Tour
(photos by Elise Abigail Randolph)

I'm so thankful to have this space!  I've worked hard over the last year to make our house feel cozy and this helps that so much!

Sources-- light fixture: Houzz // bird lamp: Walmart //  small shelving unit: Hayneedle // curtains: Target // flowers in pitcher print: Amy Blackwell // unicorn print: ybryksenkova

Wednesday, March 1

Craft Night: Fabric Flowers

Craft Night 
Craft Night I don't know if you've picked up on a theme here, but craft night with my gals is one of my favorite nights of the week.  Last week, my talented friend, Lauren (check her Etsy shop-- gaaaahhh), taught us how to make these beautiful fabric flowers.  She's a florist by trade and an everything-else-creative by nature.  My new favorite night-time craft is to make these lovely flowers after my kiddos go to bed.  You've gotta have the art-release, right?

We had a much smaller crew than normal for our last craft night and it actually ended up being the perfect number.  (Which reminds me... I have a "Craft Night Tips" post coming soon!  I've learned tons over the last year.)  Anyway, Lauren brought some of the wine bottle candle holders she's been making for weddings, and I took a LOT of pictures (Johnny helped, too). When your dining room looks this cozy, how could you not?

Craft Night! Craft Night! Craft Night! Craft Night! Craft Night! Craft Night! Craft Night! Craft Night!
It was SUCH a fun night and I'm so thankful for all of these talented ladies I get to call friends.  I'm in the process of making a bouquet for my entryway and I can't wait to share it with you all!  In the meantime, what kinds of crafts would you like to see here on this old blog?  I've been making more creatures (building my stock for a proper update), but what other types of projects are you interested in reading about?  I have a whole list and I'm trying to decide what to tackle first!  xo.