Tuesday, December 29

Work Brain: Power Up

Lengthen Your Curtains Without Sewing
Well, I accidentally took a week off of blogging.  It was actually a nice little break, considering all of the family gatherings and general busy-ness last week brought.  Our family had a nice holiday, but I'll share more on that soon.  It's time to officially get my brain back into "work mode".

Lengthen Your Curtains Without Sewing Lengthen Your Curtains Without Sewing
For now, here is a little DIY I shared over on A Beautiful Mess.  Our curtains needed a little more length in the new house, so I used some Stitch Witchery and crocheted trim to modify them.  You can find all the details right here.

Happy Tuesday, friends!  xo.


  1. I loved this idea, and it looks so pretty. I'm glad you had a little break. :)

  2. I love the new place. I like seeing how you make it your own!

  3. amazing idea i like it so much
