Monday, November 2

DIY Halloween 2015

Halloween 2015
Well, this past week/weekend has been about as full as I could possibly imagine.  We spent the week packing, The Mixtapes played a crazy show on Friday night, I finished up sewing costumes just in time for Halloween on Saturday, and we said our official goodbyes to our first Springfield home on Sunday.  Guys, this week has been a whirlwind, and I don't think I've ever been so happy to just sit on my couch and blog.  Whew.

But, this IS a Halloween post, so here's the skinny on this year's costumes: I didn't have time to make our family costumes this year because of packing and moving, which kinda bummed me out if I'm being completely honest.  I still managed to bust out costumes for the girls, though, and that's really what's important.  Hope really wanted to be a heart-eye emoji and, after changing her mind at least a dozen times, Poesy settled on being a bat.  I spent all of Saturday sewing Hope's costume (talk about last minute), and finished just in time.  Every year I think, "This is the year I can't possibly compete with last year's costume" but so far, so good.  And really, as long as she is happy, I am happy.

Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015  Halloween 2015  Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015 Halloween 2015
Poesy was the cutest little bat EVER.  After her initial, "Trick-or-Treat" she would wish everyone the "Happiest Halloween" in her tiny voice.  She melted all the people.

I look forward to seeing what costume Poe decides on every year.  This girl definitely has opinions of her own-- and I love it!  (Her costume inspiration was from this post on MerMag.)  Oh, and just wait until I get to share the theme she has chosen for her birthday party.  It's going to be amazing.

Hope was as pleased as punch to strut around as a big, squishy emoji-- basically all of her 13 year old dreams came true that night.  I definitely high-fived myself once or twice while we were trick-or-treating around the neighborhood for pulling it off.  Now that Halloween is over, we're planning to remove the straps from the costume and make the front portion into a giant pillow for her bed.  It's gonna be so cute in her new room!

Well, friends-- today, I'm forming a game plan for massive box-domination, because I'm SO ready to get unpacked and settled!  I hope your Halloween was wonderful!  xo.


  1. Love the emoji costume!
    Abbie E.

  2. What a beautiful post! Happy (belated) Halloween!


  3. Holy cow, are those two just the cutest! They are mini versions of you and your husband for sure. And how lucky is Hope that her super sweet costume will live on to be cool decor for her room! Can't wait to see how you guys decorate the new place!

  4. such cute costumes!! That's awesome that you are going to make a pillow from it! It's gonna look great in her room :)

  5. Cute girls! I'd loved teh emoji costume, but Poe is sooo cute with her bat one <3

  6. Aww these are such cute costumes! Lucky kids to have such a talented Mom!

  7. Aw you can tell Poesy is feelin herself too! :)

  8. Lovely to see your girls growing up to be pretty little ladies. I've been a follower of your blog since 2011 and it feels like I've known you too, for a long time now. Heehee

  9. Hi, my daughter loves the emoji costume you made for your daughter. Could you possibly pass along how you made it? Thanks so much!
