Monday, May 4

Weekly Wears: Bike Time!

Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears Weekly Wears
It's officially time to pull out the ol' bike and enjoy the fresh air!  Actually, this is not an old bike, but a new one from Papillionaire.  I'm pretty much smitten with it.  I'm a sucker for vintage bikes, but all of mine have come with their fair share of problems.  This bike, though-- it's beautiful AND has no issues.  IN LOVE.

Bike: c/o Papillionaire;  Dress: ModCloth (last year);  Shoes: Minnetonka;  Headband: vintage;  Purse: Angela & Roi;  Necklace: Shlomit Ofir

Now, I'm off to invest in a ton of bike shorts!  Happy Monday, friends!

**Special thanks to my sweet pal, Jacki, for letting me take pictures in her lovely back yard!


  1. I love this dress! And your bike basket is pretty cool too.

  2. Love that dress! Such a pretty pop of color for summer

  3. Love your bike :) practical and fun. This is the kind of bike I'd like :) I love your dress too :).

  4. My fiancée just bought those shoes for me for my birthday! After seeing them in a post blog post of yours, I kept them on my wish list. I love them, but one question: how do you keep them clean? I have only worn them a few times and they are already browning on the seams.

    1. I try to rub mine down with an extra soft bristle toothbrush periodically. My seams are still a little brownish, but they don't look bad at all!

  5. This outfit is beautiful! I wish I lived somewhere that the weather was nice enough to have a cute basket like that. It wouldn't last long in Phoenix, AZ.

  6. I love your dress, it's gorgeous.

    Diary of Elegance

  7. I just bought a new bike, love the exercise and fresh air. Jealous of your pretty basket though, my bike is a sporty version so it won't fit one. Bummer :)

    Life & Love by Victoria Lagnehag
    Victoria Lagnehag on Facebook

  8. Beautiful dress and love the headband! Very pretty :)

  9. I have that dress too!!! I love how you added the pop of yellow with the bag:) you are darling.
