Thursday, April 16

Cooking With the Little Gals

Blue Apron
My girls LOVE helping out in the kitchen.  Whether we're making dinner or baking something sweet, they both adore pitching in.  We've been using Blue Apron off and on for about a year now, and it has been great for our family.  They ship entire meals with fresh ingredients right to our house, and we can choose a 2 person meal or family plan, depending what we decide to order (my girls are selectively picky, you know).  Last week, the girls helped me make these mushroom and vegetable pot pies.  The recipe called for one large casserole dish, but we thought these would be fun in small ramekins.  Spoiler: we were right.  They were fun AND the perfect portion size.

Blue Apron Blue Apron Blue Apron Blue Apron Blue Apron
Poesy REALLY loves cutting.  I like to let her use a butter knife whenever I can, but this was the first time she ever got to use a sharp knife.  She felt like a serious big kid.  :)

Blue Apron Blue Apron Blue Apron Blue Apron Blue Apron
Rolling the biscuits and pressing them on top of the ramekins was probably the most fun for the girlies.  They couldn't really figure out what was going to happen once the pies went in the oven-- I'm pretty sure they expected big fat biscuits to be sitting on top.  Once we pulled them out there was a big, fat "oooohhhhhh".

Blue Apron Blue Apron Blue Apron
A couple other recipes I've been really wanting to try are the spinach and ricotta calzones (*high five* Ben Wyatt) and the moo shu vegetables.

I love that cooking tasty meals together also equals quality time spent.  I remember cooking with my mom when I was a kiddo, and I'm really glad my girls enjoy it like I did.  Actually, my favorite thing is when they cook with Johnny.  He's a really good cook and I want the little ladies to know men and women can both be great (or horrible) in the kitchen.

**Blue Apron is offering the first 50 readers 2 free meals with their first order!  Just click here!  


  1. Oh, I can imagine you have really fun together and the pictures remember me how it was when our children were little :) Thanks for the recipe, I will try it as it looks like my taste!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
    International Giveaway: Zatchels Bag as Thank-You for the Supporter of my Hobby

  2. Yeah, cooking veggies is one of my favorite things to do with my youngest daughter. It's kind of nice because we enjoy a lot of the same things, as we are both veggie lovers. Thanks for sharing this!


    Laurali Star

  3. Those look delicious! What a smart idea to roll out the biscuit dough and use it as a pastry topper. I can't wait for my 2-year-old to grow out of her picky eater phase and start enjoying veggies. At the moment she won't eat ANY vegetable (cherry tomatoes don't count, obviously!). I love your photos and your girls are adorable!

  4. yum! how fun!

    xx nikki

  5. Katie that's so awesome! I love cooking, but my mom never let me cook with her too much. I can't wait to hopefully have munchkins of my own to start my own traditions of cooking together.

    I also love the way you styled your photos! That teapot is adorable :) is it vintage or new? I couldn't tell!!

    1. The teapot is from Anthropologie a couple years ago. (it was a gift)

  6. Looks like fun!!! I'm wondering, do they have options for different preferences? (Like vegans?!) I'm so happy to see that mothers still cook with their kids - I feel like that's a tradition that should definitely continue on to future generations!
    ~ Samantha

    1. I know they have vegetarian options, but I'm not sure about vegan options. Their site will surely say! <3

  7. I so wanted to try Blue Apron but they don't deliver to Albuquerque! Looks like you had a ton of fun with your girlies. And the Ben Wyatt reference made my heart happy.

  8. This are so sweet! I'm not have kiddos yet, but this makes me look forward to cooking with my kids in the future. For now, I just cook and bake with the little ones I baby sit! I'll have to try Blue Apron. It sounds like so much fun! It would make a great date night!


  9. Nice Picture!! You have a very happy family, I wish to be like you.

