Thursday, April 23

Back in the Saddle... er... Sewing Chair

Pillowcase Dress
After I finished up my sewing ecourse, I took a pretty long break from the machine.  Like anything you pour into, it's good to take a break and build that inspiration back up.  This week I found myself intensely missing being at the sewing machine, so I decided to whip up a simple little dress for Poesy.

Pillowcase Dress
Chances are, you've seen pillowcase dresses once or twice around the block.  Mine isn't made from an actual pillowcase, but it's the same general idea.  I began by cutting out my fabric into two 16"x20" rectangles.

Pillowcase Dress
Sometimes when shooting from the hip (which is my favorite way to sew), mistakes are made and you have to go back for a redo.  The next step in this dress is measuring down 5 or 6 inches and sewing up the sides.  If you look at the picture, you can see that I made the mistake of stitching the top first.  There was no way to finish the edges of the casing this way, so I pulled out that ol' seam ripper and undid the hem.

Pillowcase Dress
After the sides seams were sewn, I folded the arm holes over the seam and pressed in place.  This way, when you fold the top portion down to create the casing, the edges will be finished and not raw.  Topstitch these folds in place.

Pillowcase Dress Pillowcase Dress
Press your seams open and fold the top down to create your neckline.  I folded mine under twice so there would be no raw edges or fraying around the neck.

Pillowcase Dress
Feed ribbon or a fabric sash through the neck casing and hem the bottom and you're all finished!  Actually, I added a bit of elastic to the middle of the dress to change it up ever so slightly, but that step is totally optional.

Pillowcase Dress Pillowcase Dress Pillowcase Dress Pillowcase Dress Pillowcase Dress Pillowcase Dress
Next, I'm planning to change this up a little and make a lady-sized version with ties around the neck and center-back.  It feels good to be back at it, friends!

**Hello Kitty moccasins from Minnetonka.


  1. Awe, what she looks so cute! I love both the outfit and her Hello Kitty shoes :-)


    Laurali Star

  2. I love how she poses her legs :)

  3. Love her cute poses and very sweet dress!

  4. can i just say i love how she is modelling the heck out of this dress!

    you have two beautiful little ladies and while Hope seems more reserved i love the spunk Poesy gives out!
    super cute!!!

  5. Her little modeling skills are perfection. She's so adorable.

  6. My love/hate relationship with sewing is kindof like with school. I get really into and really burnt out on's just a cycle. What a great project to intro back to sewing!

    xo Rachael / The Paraders

  7. Ok the dress may be amazing but Poesey most definitely nailed it with her poses!

  8. Awwwhh she is such a cutie !! And what a poser :) I don't comment often, but couldn't refrain myself when I saw Poesy posing ;)

  9. she is SO cute!

    xx nikki

  10. That girl could surely star in a very compelling one-woman show

  11. I totally want to take up sewing as my next hobby to try out. This dress is absolutely adorable. I can't wait to be able to make my own pieces, or at the very least, mend/alter the pieces I already own!

  12. Posey is a show stopper for sure. That dress is adorable!

    xx Sara
