Monday, March 2

Band Life

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I haven't really given a band update in a couple of months, so I thought I'd share some photos our friend Whitney Houseman took for us recently.  We spend most weekends playing right now, sometimes back to back nights (Friday/Saturday).  The Mixtapes have been doing more and more regional traveling and we're getting pretty excited about how it's all taking off.  There are some new/fun things on the horizon for our little band and it looks like 2015 could be a really great year for us.  Here's a fun photo from a charity event we played this weekend:

Sertoma Chili Cookoff
It was pretty crazy, and honestly, a little strange for us to be playing in the middle of the day.  We finished the night playing with another band at a local venue and by the time we made it to Sunday, I was happily exhausted.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  It's time for me to buckle down and make this week really count!  xo.


  1. these are very nice pictures!
    but i must say, wed like a video please! :)

  2. ahh you guys are too cool!

    xx nikki

  3. If you guys start traveling, come out to Montana! Would love to see you guys, you have a place to stay and I could hook you up with a great venue!

  4. love the photos and the presentation :)

  5. love the photos at the top those are awesome you guys look great!!!
    you constantly amazing me with all your projects and raising kids, I need to cut out more tv to get more done lol :)

  6. I'd love to learn more about your band! This is so interesting. You said you're not used to playing in the day, do you normally have a babysitter to watch the kiddos? :]


  7. sounds like so much fun! living the dream.


  8. what a huge turnout!! i'd love to see ya'll in action!!!

  9. Love the last photo and the black and white photo of you!

  10. These photos look great! Looks fun!

  11. How fabulous you guys ate doing so well with your band. You certainly keep your lives interesting with your mix of things you do. You certainly inspire
