Monday, May 5

Weekend Snippets

We had a pretty fun and eventful weekend!  Johnny and I (with the help from some talented friends) played on our local late night comedy show on Friday night.  The girls even got to come along and watch, thanks to some of our amazing friends.  

On Saturday we hit up an art festival, spent some time relaxing in the park, and in the evening I took the girls to see the Cinderella ballet.  It was really beautiful.  Hope enjoyed every little bit of it, but being a 3 year old and having an already full weekend, Poesy spent most of her attention span in the first half.  It was still a really good time, and one of those things we don't get to do very often.

On Sunday, Hope had her very first piano recital.  I could tell she was nervous (you can see the nerves all over her in the photo above), but she held it together very well and did a wonderful job on her songs.  I think the first of anything is usually the scariest, and now that she knows what to expect it should be a little easier next time.  I was just proud of her for doing it!  I would've been scared out of my mind as a kid.  I was not brave in the least.

What did you do this weekend?  Whatever it was, I hope you got a little relaxation time in!  Happy Monday!  xo. Katie


  1. Wow, Hope really looks scared and concentrated, but being a talented girl that she is, I can only imagine how good she did! Beautiful snippets!


  2. That's so wonderful. Are you all musically inclined in your family? I started my son on the violin, mostly because I'm biased, being a violinist myself, but I've always loved the piano (sadly I don't have the coordination). Singing was always a passion, but again, no talent. Lol. Hope looks so serious (I guess that's her nervous face?). Glad her first recital went well. :)

  3. What a lovely weekend and photos to go along with it. That first one is absolutely adorable + have I mentioned how much I love your new design?!! It's super rad - love the maiedae girls!! And go Hope - you must have been so proud!! xoxo

  4. Your girls are the cutest! Sounds like a fabulous weekend :)

  5. yay hope! sounds like a great weekend :)


  6. i'd love to hear the Mixtapes sometime, but I don't live near yall so I cant see you live! Could you post some videos?! That would be AMAZING! :)

  7. What a great weekend! Mine didn't last long enough, but it was great! I love your shoes in the first photo; where did you get them?


  8. I remember when I was 8 that I had my first recital as well... I even cried playing piano cause I had been mistaken once or twice... I was so disappointed not being perfect! Fortunately I've learnt with time that the most important is to try and not always to succeed... congratulations to Hope, I'm sure she was great. :) bisous!

  9. That white dress in the first photo is to die for! Looks like an awesome weekend :D


  10. The picture of Hope playing piano is perfect. -Hanna Lei

  11. Awwww, well done, Hope! We went to a nice, relaxed baptism for the daughter of a good friend. It was lovely for Henry to spend some time with other kids and we had some gorgeous weather.

    Maria xx

  12. I'm in love with both yours and hopes dresses. She looks so cute and serious.

  13. Hope is adorable! I love her little ice cream cone dress. I was always terrified at piano recitals, even when I was in college! Hopefully she enjoyed it and it made it all worth it. :)

  14. Good for Hope! And like you said, next time will be easier :)
