Monday, May 12

The Beauty of Motherhood

I have had so many women pour into my life over the years, I can't imagine who I'd be without them. Strong, beautiful, motherly figures listening and loving through the good stuff, the bad stuff, the funny stuff, the hard stuff... those are the people who have touched my life the most.  I strive to be the best mother I can be to my two girls, and while I fall short time and time again, I feel like I still get an "A" every single day for simply trying my best.  If you are a mother, you do, too.  I try to always be upfront with my girls.  I make mistakes.  I'm wrong sometimes (kind of a lot).  I'm not striving for perfection here, simply love.  I love them with my whole heart... even more than I ever thought possible.  I hope you all had a beautiful Mother's Day, busting at the seams with love.  I know holidays can be tricky sometimes when a loved one is missing, but I truly hope that wherever you are in life, you have people around that pour into you, and you into them.  xo.



  1. You seem like an amazing mother. It's wonderful that you take it so seriously and try so hard with it. Hope and Poe are so lucky!

    feathers and ash

  2. How adorable. Still, becomming a mother seems so distant.


  3. Dear Katie, you've brought tears to my eyes with these beautiful words! Although I'm pretty sure you receive comments like this every day, I still can't help but hope you know how much your blog has been an inspiration to me. I'm truly touched by the way you portrait your family and by the way you write about them. I certainly don't know the real you, but everything you post here reassures me there are still families out there built with love. I hope you'll always be this loving towards them and hope you always receive such a strong love back. Thank you for this post.

  4. You are seriously such a good mother to your girls. You are raising beautiful kids. So much respect.

  5. Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day! :-) Best, Melissa

  6. Beautiful photos! Ahhh you're such a good mom, jealous that your daughters get to grow up with you!

  7. I love seeing photos of you and your girls! Your love for them is radiant!

  8. These photos are so adorable. You're such a good mother to your children! I genuinely hope to have this kind of relationship with my children whenever the time comes.

    The Impossibly Cute

  9. These images are beautiful. You all look so happy and you glow in their presence.

  10. We all fail sometimes but that just makes us humans. You look like a wonderful mother and I can almost feel the love you have for those girls through internet - that's something.


  11. I make lots of mistakes too, you're right though, love is what's important, and I love my boys so so so so much. Happy belated Mother's Day to you! :)

  12. The love you have for your girls is so evident, and I think you are one STELLAR MAMA! Your beautiful girls are lucky to have a Mom like you. Hope you had a perfect Mother's Day, Katie. Love ya!

  13. happy mother's day, lady! hope it was a good one.


  14. Beautiful post! I'm glad you have such a lovely family to celebrate with!

  15. Beautifully said, hope you had a great mothers' day!

  16. Wonderfully put. Being upfront really is key to all relationships, isn't it? Happy Belated Mother's Day to a lovely woman. :)

  17. Such beautiful photos and words. You look like a gorgeous little family.
    Faye |
