Monday, May 19

Disposable Camera Challenge // Roll 2

I made it through another roll of film!  This one took a bit longer-- I've been a little uninspired in all of my photo ventures lately, so I think it was harder for me to remember to use the disposable at times.  I bought an 800 speed instead of a 400 this time, thinking it would help with lighting, but I can't really tell much of a difference.  I guess that's part of the beauty (and frustration) with these funny cameras-- you don't really know what you're going to get until your pictures are developed!  Here are some of my favorites:

I have a few of Hope that just didn't turn out at all, so I was pretty bummed about that.  Otherwise, I'm pretty happy with this batch.  I may try a different brand out this time around and see if that makes any difference.  I've been using Fujifilm so far.  How is your disposable camera life going?  If you don't know what in the world I'm talking about, check out my first camera challenge post and join in if you want to!  xo.


  1. Thanks for sharing! I have been on the same disposable camera since March and I only have 3 photos left. I know I need to finish it but I don't want to just 'waste' those last photos but hopefully within this next week!

  2. I've started my first disposable camera in ages! I might be on a bit of a camera overload because I have my iPhone, Instax Mini and now, my disposable on me at all times! :-D
    I'm a little slow to the party but I'm loving your results and I can't wait to share mine!

  3. Mine has not been going well at all! I'm not sure if its the people developing the film, or the film itself (both from CVS), but I did two cameras and both came out with mostly black photos. I've been taking pictures for a really long time, even with disposables, and have never had this problem. I'm hoping third time's the charm :)

  4. What lovely captures. I think it's great that they're instantly hardcopies. I've got so many beautiful photos and memories stored on my hard drive that will probably never see the light of day....

    Maria xx

  5. I really love the look of this photos. The colors, the lighting, how natural they look... they have this unique vibe that you don't usually get with professional cameras. Love this. <3

  6. I love the look of this photos. The colors, the lightning, how natural they look. They have this unique vibe that you don't get with professional cameras. Love this. <3

  7. i love how they turned out!


  8. How fun! I love disposable cameras. This batch turned out awesome!

  9. I just posted on my blog about the outcome of my disposable camera. I only got a handful of good pictures but I'll try again :)

  10. Oh gosh, these photos are so sweet, they came out so good! I love the nostalgic tone disposable film cameras give photos, I can't get enough of it.

  11. I need to do this challenge! I used to just get them randomly and take a ton of pictures and some of my favorite photos ever are from disposable cameras. They have such a nice feel to them.

  12. I love how perfectly imperfect disposables are! the photo of Poe wearing her Minnie ears is too precious.
    Rebecca @ tr[i]b[e]cca

  13. All the photos look beautiful! I love disposable cameras I use mine all the time! Actually I have a roll that I need to develop! xx

  14. These are so lovely. I really like the last one. Poe looks so cuuute!


  15. I haven't used a disposable since before I got my first digital (so probably like 10 years!). These pictures are so fun and make me feel nostalgic. I may need to get in on this project.

  16. Where did you get that adorable white crochet dress? Love it!!

  17. Awesome! These turned out pretty good! It's so interesting to see how film looks.


  18. I love the honesty of actual film photographs. No second chances, no editing the moment, just simply captured in all its truth. Seems a while since the days of an honest unabridged image!

    Lovely pictures!

    Faded Windmills

  19. very cool! I try and shoot a roll of film a month, but not a disposable camera. They can be really frustrating! You should try an old DSLR. You can get them super cheap!

  20. Great! I also use conventional cameras, mostly working on lomography cameras though and I am so excited once the film finishes :)
    Debbie xx
