Saturday, January 4

My Other Life

It's strange to have something that is such a huge part of my life and it not really be part of my blog.  You might remember the original introduction to our band here... I've since taken the original poster designs Elsie did for us and run with them to create new posters.  It's a pretty fun process, and the poster down at the bottom of this post Hope and Poesy even helped out with (you can probably tell which part was Poe's contribution).

It's a fun and exhausting thing, being in a cover band.  We usually play 2-3 weekends a month on top of lots of practicing and learning new songs.  I think our song repertoire is about 60 songs deep at this point!  There's always the pull to be playing original music, but for now we're sticking to it.  Johnny and I have been talking about doing some more mellow acoustic duo shows in the near future, so hopefully that will fulfill the desire to be playing our own stuff!

I haven't quite figured out where the band fits into the blog, but I thought I'd share a little update about it anyway.  If you're curious about us, you can learn more on our facebook page or website.  We really only play regionally so far, so the likelihood of most of you seeing our band live is pretty slim.  ALTHOUGH... some of our musician friends just got flown out to Australia for a private event, so maybe one day!  ;)


  1. You are so amazing with all that you do. Love these fliers. And LOVE LOVE that black and white photo. 'You go girl'!

  2. I know a few people who have been at your shows and I've heard such great things! I'm going to have to make it out to one soon!

  3. that's awesome, I didn't realize you & your husband were both in the band. 90s songs are so great :)
    Wow you really balance a lot, it's so cool to see all the different things you do

  4. You look great on stage, and I think it is nice to see that part of your life on the blog too.

  5. You guys are really good... maybe you could include more of this stuff in the blog through videos or something? It would be interesting to watch a full cover, or to see you guys in band practice? x

  6. cool!! i will hear your song! Nice band photos! ;)
    Irene Wibowo

  7. I'm so intrigued by your band Katie! I have some friends in a cover band who have the same frustrations about wanting to play their own music too.. Would love to see some videos! X

  8. Ok I just watched the videos on the website, so awesome! X

  9. That's so awesome! I didn't know you played in a band too :) you should make a video of one of your shows and put it up here on the blog :D would be fun to see and hear you guys play!

  10. So cute! I love these posters and I would absolutely be thrilled to see you guys play! Maybe one day when I head down toward you!


  11. Just checked out your site and I love the songs you guys cover!! Brings me right back to middle school/high school. Wish I could drop in on one of your shows, it you guys ever tour to San Diego let me know! Rock on awesome mama <3 xoxo Annejelina
    P.s. You guys should maybe cover some Pixies too ;)

  12. OBSESSED that you play the accordion! So so awesome! <3


  13. Your in a band?? Okay so you were totally cool before and now your awesome! I have to go check out your website! So rad!

  14. One way to bring the band to your blog might be to do posts about your stage outfits and hair . . . I know I'd love to hear more about those Simpson tights!

  15. This is awesome! I would totally come to a show if I lived near by.

    You know how back in the day you made mixed tapes for certain occasions or for different people that had a theme? Do you guys do Mix Tape Themes for a show, like 'Road Trip' or 'Bachelorette Party'?
    This could have endless possibilities.

    - brook.

  16. as a musician, i personally think this fits perfectly into the blog and you're welcome to share more - I love it!
    oy, did I ever share my music with you? Here's The Fisherman

    Valentina Duracinsky Blog
    -- Facebook Page

  17. love it!!!! were we not SO lucky to have come of age in the 90's?!?! like what people say about the 70's, that it was its own era. love the music, the grunge, the clothes, the hair!!! i have so many wonderful memories! and my fav pic is the one where you and johnny are belting it out! that's awesome! and i think you should give us a video sample!

  18. i'd love to see your band play! i'd love to see band clips from shows of you singing!

  19. This is just so awesome! xx Kaisa

  20. Gotta love the 90s! I'd love to see one of your shows,

  21. Katie,

    post some shows of you guys!

    I love your style and when i saw you first i though you was 17 years! lol!

    Sorry my bad english, but i'm from Brazil!


  22. Woah, which state in Australia?? :)

  23. Really cute!!!
    Love that you do music with your husband. My husband and I have done little projects here and there and were on the worship team together at church for a couple of years as well (he plays bass & sings and was in pop punk bands, indie, and hardcore bands). It is so so nice to see other people doing it while married as well! We did an electronic album together when we were engaged. I wan to hear your stuff!! So cool!
