Tuesday, October 8

Weekly Wears: The Show Must Go On

I wore this outfit recently on our local news.  Our band was asked on to do a short interview and play a song to promote an upcoming show.  Those kinds of things are never really a strength of mine, but I jump at the opportunities when they are presented because, like I've said in the past, they are a good stretch.  Plus, one day after I've fumbled over many, many, many things like this, maybe I might actually be GOOD at public speaking or interviews.  Who knows.  ;))

Dress: c/o Black Swan;  Shirt: Marshall's;  Shoes: c/o ELF;  Purse: c/o ELF;  Hat: Marshall's

So how about you?  Do you push yourself to do things out of your comfort zone, or are you perfectly content staying where it's a little safer?


  1. Love those shoes! So fun! And I'm a little bit of both in regards to pushing out of my comfort zone. Moving to Southern California has been a huge "out of my comfort zone" experience and well living here in general has been out of my comfort zone, so I have a tendency to find comfort in the chaos.

  2. I try to push myself out as much as possible, it makes life so much more exciting x

  3. I am not good at public speaking at all...but this past year I stretched myself to do a speech at school and just saw a huge growth from it.

    Stretching yourself always has a good outcome.


  4. Such a great outfit! Hope you start to feel more comfortable with the public speaking/interviews soon. I used to be really good at it then I stopped. I would be nervous to start doing it again. :)

  5. im in love with this dress! its perfect on you, and also I need to start trying this shirt under the dress thing, it works so well for you!

  6. Beautiful outfit! And good for you...accepting opportunities like those even though they aren't entirely comfortable for you. Such great growth opportunities. You will always be happy you took them! I'm the same way. In fact, right now, I feel like our entire life has just jumped out of our typical, 'comfort zone' and into uncharted territory. At first I thought I would freak out, but step by step we're carving out a new normal and growing a whole lot along the way. So grateful for life changes that offer lessons along the way :)

  7. I am not a good public speaker, at all. I've been interviewed a few times on the news for our business, and I always fumble. My best friend and business partner is very composed in front of the camera, and so she is now the face of our business. I do better with the behind-the-scenes stuff, such as writing, web, and visual needs. It's nice to stretch yourself, though! I just wish the words in my brain could make their way to my mouth without getting lost in the middle. Love the tapestry!

  8. I try to get out of my comfort zone, but my own determination can't really beat the crazy uncontrollable anxiety living in my brain since last winter. But I try! I do! Many little daily things are a challenge when you have eating disorders and social anxiety... Oh well. I'm pretty sure you'll be a rockstar at public speaking in a few years if the opportunities keep coming your way!

  9. Your hat is darling! And what a sweet opportunity! Glad your stretching yourself. How exciting! :)


  10. i love this whole outfit! you look precious. i need to push myself more at things that make me uncomfortable. it's so much easier not to. thanks for the inspiration!

  11. I can totally relate, I have been today in a work meeting with a really amazing personality, and was so out of my comfort zone that I couldn't think of anything half as smart as he deserved :) Love how you wear the dress with the shirt underneath, sure your interview turned great!

  12. wheres the link to the interview!?! always pushing myself...it feels safe to push myself...when i find my self complacent is when i start to worry.

  13. Such a stunning dress Katie, love how you've layered it!
    I have just started to push myself - my first step was going to give blood, which I couldn't have done a few years ago.
    Rosie x | Every Word Handwritten

  14. Love your floral dress!


  15. You look perfect, Katie! I'm in love with your style!
    You inspired me to start wearing hats! Thanks a lot! : D

  16. I love that dress. I love all clothing that is tapestryesque. you wear it well.

  17. I'm love my safe zone, but I do want to put myself out there a bit, playing it safe doesn't get you many experiences. Love your dress.

  18. Cute! I tend to play it safe and keep quiet in the safe zone. Have you seen Susan Cain's Ted Talk on introversion? It's so great. Her book, "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Won't Stop Talking" is also a great read.

  19. Your dress fabric and design reminds me of a pillow my grandma used to have, ha, and I love it! It's adorable and looks great on you.

    Go you for pushing yourself! Those are great opportunities.

  20. Can I have your hair please? How does it always look so perfect?! I love this outfit. The dress-shoes-hat combo is really working!
    Leah Faye
    a clover and a bee

  21. I love my safe zone! I get so nervous in new places with new people that I tend to stay away unless I'm forced to venture there. Lately, though, I've been consciously making an effort to branch out a little more. It helps when people post stories like yours, where they step outside their comfort zone and the results are positive! :) Love your blog! Peace, Amelia

  22. Love this outfit! The fabric on that dress is amazing. I find I try to push myself to go out of my comfort zone, just not toooo far out of it!

    Ladyface Blog

  23. I usually think such heavy fabric doesn't look great all over, but with the soft blouse and the simple accessories you totally rock it! I'm inspired :)

  24. Love the whole ensemble especially the shoes and the dress! :)

    xo Trisha

  25. Pshh!! I saw you at TxSC and you did wonderful speaking! I loved hearing you then and would love to see the new interview. Glad to hear The Mixtapes are getting some good press ;)



  26. everything about this outfit is perfect! dress material, lipstick shade, hat... i'm inspired!

  27. congrats on the air time!! cute dress, although all i could think about was couch or drapery fabric!! lol

  28. Such cute shoes! Love it! - Leith

  29. That dress is so cute! I'm sure that you did fine on that interview - I think that I try to stretch myself when I can - yolo, and all that, right? :)


  30. LOVE that dress with the shirt. so stinking cute!


  31. Hi! it's my first time to visit your blog and I was so shocked to see all your posts! they are all amazing :") pretty blog by you! so uhmm, Can I have a request? can you post a 70's look cause I really need your help, we are going to have our student's night and I can't decide by my own on what to wear. So I hope you can Help me and reply soon. Thank you!

  32. I am definitely pushing myself. I started a new challenge with my friend called #bestdressedtuesday on instagram. Basically, the goal is to push myself to embrace something that I wouldn't normally do with my fashion/style. It has been really neat to see what I am willing to do in exploring life outside my fashion boundaries. :)
