Thursday, October 3

Weekly Wears: Flannel Forever

My friend Brittany made this tote, and when I showed it to Johnny, he wouldn't stop laughing.  He was CONVINCED that she had custom made this for me.  MAYBEEEEE once or twice I've let the words "don't tell me what to do" slip out of my lips.  Maybe.  Maybe I still have a little bit of that silly teenage rebellious streak in me.  Maybe.  ;)

Dress and shirt: H&M;  Boots: c/o ModCloth;  Tote: Culture Flock;  Necklace: c/o Fab;  Bear Bracelet: Sea of Bees c/o Emerging Thoughts;  Bead Bracelet: Noonday Collection

I've been making better efforts lately to shop around for jewelry that I really like.  I've always been kind of minimal when it comes to jewelry.  I like slightly quirky, versatile pieces the best, and this necklace from Fab has definitely made my "favorites" list.  It's pretty, classy, and a little different from anything I've seen around.  Win, win, win.  If you pop over to Fab, their jewelry section is pretty great.  Here are some more pieces that have made my "favorites" list:

1. Necklace  2. Ring  3. Earrings  4. Bracelet  5. Bracelet

Fab is always free to sign up and they offer free shipping and returns.  Don't forget to check out their 50% off  sale on Men's and Women's fall items right now!


  1. The necklace is so dainty and pretty, it is very unique! Love your bag too, it's lovely when something is or seems to be made just for you! xx

  2. What a cute fall outfit! Love the tote.

  3. I love this outfit! I am so ready to pull out my flannels. Unfortunately I just still get so freaking hot in the afternoons! I am thinking maybe in a week it will be time to pull them out. I love the way you have styled this one!
    Those are some beautiful jewelry choices
    Leah Faye
    a clover and a bee

  4. I'm not usually a flannel girl but katie you pull it off so well! and hahah that tote is hilarious, I've also let those words slip out of my mouth now and then... consequence of growing up with parents who liked for me to make my own decisions and advocated "do what you want (within reason), not what others want"

  5. Such a great fall look. Your hair is rockin! And that tote is hilarious! What a great gift! :)

  6. Love reading your blog - such beautiful pictures!


  7. Love that tote bag. Cool outfit, really like the jewelry.

  8. I'm not a big jewelry wearer and I always go to my favorite unique pieces when I do get some pieces. These are definitely all keepers.

  9. I really like this outfit, and that necklace caught my eye right off the bat, nice!

  10. Flannel + Milk Maid Braids + Sloth Tote?????? So so cute.

    Ladyface Blog

  11. I REALLY need to get red boots this fall! There is no way around it anymore! - and you are looking great! As always!
    xx Belinda

  12. I LOVE that outfit! And I need that tote. It's simply perfect.

  13. I love a good flannel shirt! I still haven't managed to find a maxi skirt to suit me, I really need to hunt one down, especially if you can wear boots underneath (and tights!)

  14. Ooh loving this outfit a lot Katie :)
    Rosie x | Every Word Handwritten

  15. I immediately went and bought that tote as soon as I saw this. That is exactly me too. Now that I'm entering my late 20s I am beginning to think it is no longer a rebellious stage, just a way of life. ha!

  16. Such a cute outfit! Do you have a tutorial somewhere for that hairdo? It's so cute!


  17. So cute. Happy it's flannel season again...


  18. oh my gosh that tote! i had to go buy it immediately. it is so perfect!

  19. is it wrong that i take dressing cues from you. because i do.

  20. The blue flannel really sets off your hair- what a cute way to work flannel into a stylish outfit!

  21. I absolutely LOVE the shoes! Anyone that knows Me knows I am obsessed with everything red, and always have a red piece on Me ^_^! The whole outfit is so cute!
    And oh do I miss My red locks now :(, They are so pretty on You ^_^!!

    Loads of love, SJay!

  22. Love the sloth tote! hahah the face fits perfect with the quote :) Cute outfit with the red booties and the flanel shirt. I am also minimal with jewelry, I used to wear only rings and a necklace once in a while, and since I got married as the engagement and wedding rings feel enough now, only a necklace if it really goes with the outfit. Love your arrow bracelet though I maybe should look more into that territory :)

  23. gorgeous! such a fantastic outfit and up do! love those earrings - so pretty!

  24. I love this look! Your hair is adorable too :)

  25. I like your shirt. Your style is very nice :)


  26. It's just not fall until you break out the flannel. :) Also, that tote--incredible.

  27. Fall=flannel. I'm so happy it's that time again :)

  28. Perfection.. you are just down right fall perfect! Loving the up do- have you ever done a tutorial on that (or consider doing)?
    Happy fall you darling lady!

  29. Absolutely love this outfit, Katie! You look so pretty. xo
