Sunday, August 18


We just got these photos printed via Printic and I have to say, it's almost dangerous for me to be able to place a photo order from my phone.  I already have my second order on the way!  Do you print any of your iPhone photos or Instagram photos?  What is your preferred method?  My goal is to start filling photo albums again-- I was so good about it when Hope was a baby, I love having those books to flip through!


  1. Oh my gosh those are adorable!! I love scrapbooking, but I keep getting so behind on it! But these are adorable! Each week I take all the instagram/little moments captured on my phone and make one spread and then another one for all the big moments!

    Thanks for sharing!

    xo Becky

  2. So cute, I'll have to try Printic.

    Sometimes I print instas through on 4x4 paper.

    I also really enjoy Postagram and you get something like five free postcards to send to friends. They also have an app that you can upload and order from.

    And of course I love Stickygrams, but I think they're a little pricey.


  3. thanks for sharing! i want to start printing photos for albums too.

  4. Oh my god this is so cool! I love Polaroids, they are my favorite-these is perfect!

  5. Ooh i love this! I got some myself, such a great way to use instagram photos instead of just letting them float on the internet!
    x Eloise - Jazzlipsandtulips

  6. I'm a fan of PostalPix and Postagram :)

  7. I love being able to have physical copies of my phone photos! -Hanna Lei

  8. What a great site! I love photo albums, though I tend to make a lot of books on Shutterfly! This is a great alternative! :)

  9. I haven't printed photos since my wedding, 3 years ago! I like taking instagram photos but too often they are of silly things like misspellings on my starbucks cups! I need to get into the habit of taking pictures of real people! and printing them!

  10. Nice site, thanks for the heads up!

  11. So cute! Photo albums and scrapbooks are wonderful things! I love them! I would love to print some of my Instagram photos...! I like printing my photos myself best, but that hasn't happened in a while because I'm currently out of ink...

  12. I'm terrible with it, I buy photos and then leave them in the packaging that I received them in.

    Fashion and Happy Things

  13. Thanks for the post about Printic! I'll be sure to look it up~ the feel of a tangible product is nice, but it's also time (and sometimes money) consuming! I've got a bunch of 'postcard' photos I'd like to print...


  14. They look lovely! I used Prinstagram, and scrapbook them along with regular 6x4 prints, and ticket stubs, plane tickets, cinema receipts etc. :)
    Rosie x | Every Word Handwritten

  15. Just ordered some of my own - can't wait til they arrive! Thanks for the recommendation Katie! - Sadhbh, Ireland

  16. Aw! What a cute idea! I really need to print out my iphone pics, there are far too many to just leave on there!

  17. I've been looking for a way to print my iphone photos, this is perfect! thank you for sharing :)

  18. yes! I love printic! they are such great quality, and who can pass us a polaroid?
    love it :)

  19. These are so cute! I'm def going to need to check out this site!

  20. I had never heard of Printic - checked out the site and the idea is awesome! I especially love that you can send your photos to other people, too!

  21. Yes! I use PostalPix... there are several sizing options and you can even get them printed on aluminum! Ive always had a great experience using it.

    -Meli (

  22. Wow, these are darling. I love the polaroid look!

  23. I have printed some mini prints from Prinstagram and was glad with the result! I love yours which are bigger and more polaroid-ish. How do you feel about the printing quality? Added Printic to try it! :)
