Tuesday, July 16

Market Date

I've mentioned here in the past few months that Johnny and I have been trying to make more time for couple-y things.  You know, the kind of time that allows you to think a complete thought and helps keep you sane.  We've attempted to go on more dates, put away the work at night so we can watch a movie, or just go for coffee here or there when we can.  This week we took a very short walk to the market to get a few things we needed, and it was nice just holding hands and chatting about whatever crazy thing was happening that week.

We don't always have time for full-on dates (at least not this summer, sheesh!), but finding small chunks of time to steal away in the every day makes up for it.  :)


  1. This is such an awesome idea! Life has been super busy here, me & my husband are focusing on snatching back a few hours for date night again!

  2. this is so sweet :) you guys are adorable.

  3. I love going on dates to the local markets, mooching around and buying some fresh fruit is a lovely way to spend a date! :) xx
    Alice Barton ♥ TheMowWay

  4. It's so important to just grab a few quiet minutes with your loved ones as often as you can.
    Gorgeous photos Katie :)
    Rosie x | Every Word Handwritten

  5. Love going to the market, one of my favourite things to do.

    Carina xx

  6. This looks like a wonderful outing! Glad to hear you're finding time to spend with just the two of you, even if it's just for short bits of time.

    Ladyface Blog

  7. Katie, this concept is something I've been thinking my husband and I need to do. Especially what you say about putting away the work at night. It's so tempting to grab an hour or so to work after the little ones are in bed, but I know my marriage would benefit from spending that time with my husband instead.

  8. The small (special) moments are the important ones anyway! Glad you got to spend some time together :) Walks and markets are always fun!

  9. Homegrown Foods is my favorite! It's sweet to see that the most simple things can be a date, those are the best..in my opinion.


  10. Making time for couple things is a great idea! -Hanna Marie

  11. Cute! That's how we buy our milk too!

    xo Lisa
    Making Life's Lemons

  12. this post is so sweet and darling. as a married woman, i know how hard it can be to find time for dates. my favorite are those that don't really start out as a date-dates, but then somehow turn into an adventurous, unexpected, and memorable time!

    my husband and i had a date night recently, which is my post today. :-)



  13. This is something that I need to make more of an effort to do with my husband. I feel like I don't make enough time for just us, and haven't been for the last 7 years.

    Fashion and Happy Things

  14. Fun! That's really sweet that you guys make time for each other, even if it's just small windows!

  15. Lovely! I always love the style of photos you take and choose to use on your blog. Such a great mix of information and composition. I'm going to TxSC in August and really hope to take your session on Sunday! Save me a seat ;)


  16. I'm not married but I'm in a long distance relationship, and it is hard. So when I visit, we try our best to squeeze in some couple-y time... even if it means just doing errands. :)

    xo Kisty of The Style Mermaid

  17. This is such a cute little idea for a simple date. Since my boyfriend is in the process of starting up his own web development business, we don't get that much time to spend together anymore while its starting up. Thanks for the idea for 'quick' little dates like this. They look like a perfect little break while the weather is nice. Have a lovely week!
