Wednesday, July 31

Garden Days

I haven't been blogging about the garden as much, not because we've gotten any less obsessed with it, but because life has been crazy busy.  We found out that something (or someone) who was robbing all our tomatoes was indeed those naughty little squirrels.  We've had several rains here recently, so our garden that was once just flourishing is now absolutely overgrown (in the good way)!  The strawberries did end up tricking SOMETHING, as you can see from the bite taken out of it!  It's made of wood, so I'm sure something was not very pleased!  ;)

We learned a lot this year and feel even better garden-prepared for next year.  I will space things out a little wider, I will have that netting to keep the squirrels out from the beginning (!), and I won't be at all surprised when the watermelon and cucumber vines try to take over everything!


  1. You can grow UP with the cucumber! We bought a piece of strong fencing (with wide hole) attached to posts and just pull the cuke plants up as they grow! It was sooo worth it.

  2. Your garden looks so amazing! Glad it's been such a fruitful (pun intended!) first year!

    Ladyface Blog

  3. I wish my garden was doing as well as yours seems to be. Very funny that your wood decoys worked out. Hanna Marie

  4. Katie! Your garden sounds so similar to my pacific northwest back yard garden. The pumpkin has totally taken over and I should now call it just a pumpkin patch and not a garden. Also, I wanted to thank you for the pics. I never thought to grow peppers before but now I will plan it in for next year!


  5. Great pictures! I do love the idea of eating clean, garden-grown food!

    Yellow Blog Design |

    Cheap Fashion is Chic

  6. Seriously, those vine plants are crazy! We have a few pumpkin plants growing in our garden, and they have vined out EVERYWHERE! Where do I even walk?

  7. your garden has made me so excited for next year. we're moving later this month and there should be room for a little garden next spring :)

  8. Wow!! Look at all of your gorgeous cucumbers! and peppers! What a reward for all of your hard work:)

  9. Jealous of your bell peppers! Mine havemt done much :( my zucchinis were a failure too, they didnt have enough sun. I only have two flower beds cause we rent. I long to own and have a huge sunny garden!!! Live the strawberry idea!

  10. overgrown gardens are the best kind ;)

  11. Haha I love that your strawberries worked! Your garden is so cute!

  12. Im so jealous of your garden! Everything in mine died. Im so bummed. The last heat wave even killed the handful of green tomatoes on our plant. I've learned some lessons and I am going to try some new things next year.

  13. Well done Katie, it's look fab! ANd you've already learnt so much ready for next year.
    Rosie x | Every Word Handwritten

  14. Man my pepper are babies compared to yours! I think there was too much rain in our neck of the woods for them. Did you do anything special with them?

  15. Those wooden strawberries are awesome!!!


  16. That's so awesome! It's totally a learning process. I wish I didn't kill everything! Glad the little strawberries you painted helped a bit.

  17. We've been gardening, as well, and I'm so loving the fresh produce!

  18. I'd love to grow things, but I've even killed grass.

    Fashion and Happy Things

  19. I absolutely love seeing pictures of your garden and its so great that Hope and Poe love it too! I just started growing my own veg this year, so its interesting to see other gardens. I'm amazed by your peppers. So far, mine are the size of a baby tomato, so I'm hoping they grow as well as yours have!
