Tuesday, May 21

Thrifted Bench: A Love Story

Sometimes I feel like a really lucky gal to have a counterpart (husband) who loves going to flea markets as much as I do.  He's usually looking for good old drums or guitars, but it's still nice to have a companion by my side.  While we were out thrifting a couple of weeks ago, I happened upon this couch-y/bench-y guy.  It was pretty gross, but I decided to take the plunge and bring it home.  Once we got it out of the dirty flea market, I was horrified at my decision.  It looked SO much filthier once it was in our bedroom.  I grabbed some wet-wipes and went to work. Nothing but surface muck came up, so we brought out the big guns:  toothbrushes.  Some friends on Instagram suggested things like Mr. Clean Magic Erasers and tile scrubbers, but I didn't want to harm the surface of the couch. My friend, Kate, suggested baking soda and that REALLY helped.  Johnny and I scrubbed our Friday night and Saturday morning away.  Here are the results:
By the time we finished, the couch was a much different color.  It was really rewarding to see such drastic results, and I still feel like photos don't even begin to do it justice.  It went from brown to orange in a weekend.  High five for vigorous scrubbing and major persistence!
Like I say every time I share a portion of our bedroom, more photos of the upstairs are coming soon!  It's one of my very favorite places to spend time.  :)

Also, I wanted to share what my friend, Anita, is doing to help raise money for the Oklahoma victims.  I can't even imagine the sort of devastation these families have been through, but I do know that I want to help in any way I can. Hello Merch is selling these tanks and donating all of the proceeds to the Oklahoma Red Cross.  There are many ways to help.  Please consider helping in any way you can.


  1. You have such a great eye! I honestly don't know if I would have picked that bench/couch/thing out for any space, but it works perfectly in yours! Wish I had more thrifty friends!!

    xo Becky

  2. It's such beautiful warm color now! Nice work!

  3. You did a great job! It looks great in your bedroom :) Rosie x


  4. That bench is beautiful! You guys did a great job cleaning it up.

  5. Really well done and beautiful pictures Katie :)

  6. This is gorgeous, well done for putting so much hard work into cleaning it, I probably would have walked away and missed a bargain x

  7. Such an impressive result! It looks great like this and you must be so proud of your hard work!

  8. such a lot of work but so worth it - it looks great!

  9. It looks so great- what a perfect couch!

  10. This bench is so great! Awesome find, Katie! And high-five to your sweet husband for helping you return it to its full glory :)


  11. That bench is fantastic, great find! I think a lot of people pass up awesome pieces like this because they can't look past the work it would take to bring them back to life, but those usually end up being the best finds :)

  12. I love your bedroom!


  13. Kuddos for pouring some love into something YOU love. It looks great in that space!

  14. Hi, Katie :) How much was this piece? I have an old late 50's gossip seat I got for $5 and am gearing up to overhaul it this weekend. I really wanted to keep the original chair cover but the tiniest of rips was spotted by my toddler and became a huge gaping hole. Imagine that ;) I LOVE that bench, have never seen one like it. Good score!

  15. Its fabulous! Wooooooow!
    And you could even use it as a banquette with a tulip table in a breakfast nook if you wanted!

  16. Haha, I always say that my future husband should at least tolerate thrifting - but it would be super cool to have a husband that likes it just as much as I do!

    And this couch - oh my goodness, what a great score, even if it did require some elbow grease. I think you'll appreciate it so much more now!


  17. LOVE the bench, ordered the tank! Thanks for sharing both.

  18. What a find. Great job! Also hope you guys fared though that nasty weather!

  19. Wow! Such a great piece and your work really paid off! My husband and I love to thrift and he is usually on the prowl for instruments too!


  20. What a great find!!! Great mid century modern piece your efforts certainly paid off

  21. Katie, that bench is ahhhmaazing!!! I am jealous. What a wonderful find. I haven't had the best luck at flea markets lately and this is so uplifting to see such a great thrifting story! Thank you for sharing.

  22. The bench looks amazing! Great piece Hanna

  23. Wow, that makes such a difference! What a gorgeous piece of furniture.

  24. Oh, wow, I love this! What a great find and all that work really did pay off. It looks wonderful. I love that it's in your bedroom and I love that you tucked your bed in the nook and made great use of all that space. Now I'm rethinking the placement of furniture in my bedroom. :-)


  25. Beautiful!!

    Another great option for vinyl covered furniture is Armor All (usually used in cars). I toothbrush cleaned a vinyl couch from brown to mustard with that stuff. Every once in a while I still wipe it off with the Armor All to keep it clean - works like a charm!

    Here's a link to the couch: http://www.insideways.com/2011/09/today-tim-and-i-will-move-in-to-our-new.html
    And one to the Armor All: http://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-17618/Cleaning-Supplies/Armor-All-Wipes?pricode=WU338&gadtype=pla&id=34610147242&gclid=CMzRnp63qrcCFRNk7AodPRMA5g

  26. Oh my goodness, it's perfect! I'd take the risk too!

  27. Stunning! I love it!



  28. Ohh Katie, I love your blog soooo much. This bench looks greats now. By the way, you are a huge inspiration for me and my own blog project.



  29. wow! what a difference some scrubbing made! i love the orange color it should be.

  30. I loved this bench when I saw it on Instagram. I am amazed at the before and after difference that I see here! It's makes such a statement in your room. Can't wait to see more!!

  31. WOW! That was a huge difference! Finds like that are the best!

    xo Lisa
    Making Life's Lemons

  32. That bench is GORGEOUS. I also bought a tank top, so happy I could do something to help Oklahoma!

  33. Hi Katie don't know if you read comments too often, but how can I contact Anita ? I have an idea for a shirt to help raise moolah for ok... Mrshutchinson08@gmail.com ;) thank you xoxo ~ savannah
