Sunday, May 5

Sunnier Days

On one of the most beautiful days of the year so far, we grabbed a loaf of bread and headed down to the park.  The geese and ducks were very happy to see little girls throwing chunks of bread.  So happy, in fact, that they would sometimes pop themselves out of the water to come over and say hello.  MAYBE some of us got a little freaked out at first.  I won't name names...
Okay, okay... I was the 'fraidy cat.  Here, I was grabbing Poesy and briskly walking the other way.  I got braver the longer we were around them.  ;)

And then it snowed.  No joke.  I'm really glad we took advantage of the weather this day.  It was a good one.

(My top is from ChicWish & shoes from Minnetonka.)


  1. These pictures are so lovely. And baby geese are my absolute favorite!!! So fuzzy and round. I can't believe it snowed after this! I hope it warms up again :)

    xox Sammi

  2. Those moccasins are so cute! Where did you get them? I'm in the market for a pair, but I'm crazy picky and the last pair I had fell apart after just a few wears.

  3. I would be nervous around the geese too. Too bad the nice weather didn't end up lasting Hanna

  4. Most people don't realize how bad bread is for ducks and geese! :( It can actually lead to malnutrition and diseases.

  5. I love to see ducklings, they always make me so happy!

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  6. My fave photos is baby geese and their mother, so beautiful <3

  7. You look lovely- I hate bipolar weather! It's like that in Oklahoma, too.

  8. we had ducks on the farm growing up so i'm just a little partial to baby ducklings :)

  9. I read somewhere that you shouldn't feed bread to ducks because it's not in their natural diet. Try grapes instead. Or try Googling it to be sure. :)

    And, I totally relate to this snow-past-its-time. Ha ha. We were starting to have Spring weather up here in Ottawa and then, second weekend in April we had a winter storm warning! One week later it was 26* (C)! Ontario is notorious for this Winter-Summer back and forth thing, rather than a gradual warming. Ha ha.

  10. beautiful photos and love the shoes!
    kelsey, Ladies in Navy

  11. I just want to say, I so enjoy reading your posts and looking at your photos. And seriously? It's snowed the next day?! oh my goodness. I hope it warms up again soon.

  12. We were at the same park last Tuesday, but didn't see the babies!! I was a little scared of them, too. ;)

  13. I love how you all are color coordinated too!

  14. Awww those baby ducklings are so cute!!

  15. This weather has been ridiculous - I'm in KC so I can relate!

    I love your sunglasses! I used to have a similar pair but lost them :( where are yours from?

  16. You are SO insanely beautiful, Katie. xo

  17. You all match in your purples and reds! So sweet!

  18. I have that same hair thingy. Modcloth!

  19. Be careful, "feeding the ducks is actually unhealthy and potentially dangerous for the birds." !!
    Or this:
