Wednesday, May 8

Starting From Seeds

We've decided that we need to grow more things.  I think it sort of becomes an obsession once you start to see the fruits of your labor (har har)-- you want to grow more and more things.  Our strawberries are so close now, they should be ready any day!  Hope has really been wanting to put some cucumbers in our garden, but the places we've checked haven't had the plants.  I picked up some seeds last week and we are starting them up, right here, in the great indoors.

Poesy even helped us a little bit.  It made her feel like such a big kid.  :)  Oh, and if you are curious, Hope was watering the cups with a clean syringe.  She wanted to get the perfect amount of water in each one.

In addition to cucumbers, we also planted some basil and cilantro.  I'm extremely excited by the prospect of fresh cilantro.  I'll report back in a couple of weeks and give you an update on how it's going!


  1. Im going through planting withdrawls, ive got no room left!

  2. It really is an addiction! My husband and I bought one plant... then three more... and then more. And we just can't stop!

  3. Looks like such a fun thing to do as a family :)

    Amy| The Little Koala Blog ♥

  4. We planted our own Herbs, Tomatoes and Strawberries last Year as well, even though we only have a Balcony they came out great :) My Son loved to water them and check on them every Day to see how much they have grown! It is so good and healthy for Kids to grow up with Organic Things and to see how the Nature works :)
    P.S. Your little Girls are the Cutest! :)

  5. lovely idea..

    - Janine

  6. So fun planting as a family! I love your shirt! Where is it from?

    xo Lisa
    Making Life's Lemons

  7. That's awesome! I love fresh basil and cilantro! Growing your own food is so exciting. Can't wait to see the progress.

  8. How lovely!!! I love how interested they look :) cute.

    Valentina Duracinsky Blog

  9. Such a perfect way to plant together!

  10. An indoor herb garden is a killer idea! I had no idea that you could foster life/growth in an egg carton! That's good to know and it will keep the herbs right on hand!


  11. this is SUCH a good idea. love love.


  12. I'm sorry to be so incredibly random, but I've been following your blog for a while now, and I absolutely cannot get over how cute your daughters are. They have to be two of the cutest little girls in the entire world :) I always enjoy seeing how sisterly they are in your pictures, and how close all of y'all are! It's great to read about! :)

  13. I always fail at planting seeds, I posted about twenty and only one has popped up from above the ground... perhaps I'll put my next batch in egg containers as well =D

  14. Such a great idea! I was going to start some Lavender seedlings and head to the garden center to find something to put them in. Never thought of egg crates, thank you!

  15. ahhh basil seeds. I grew up drinking basil seeds as a 'dessert drink'. All you have to do is pour hot water on a packet of basil seeds, and it will puff up (kinda looks like a smaller version of chia seeds)Add some sugar and you are good to go, although my family always adds in green grass jelly in it.

    I know I'm digressing from the plants haha I grow green onion and a bunch others, but the green onions are the ones mostly used at my house :)

  16. fresh cilantro and basil are the best!

  17. awesome! i have had much success just planting cucumber seeds right in the ground...(summer squash too) try tossing a few seeds outside and see how quickly they will come up. i havent had luck with cilantro because it gets so hot here in NorCal and as soon as you think its ready, it bolts and turns to flowers :( happy planting! xoxo

  18. my husband and i started a little container garden as well! had no idea what we were doing but greenies are starting to sprout and we're totally excited! :)

  19. aww! so cute!! fresh herbs are always the best!

    btw, where did you get that adorable fox shirt? =)
