Sunday, December 2

DIY Pinecone Ornament

Every December Hope and I make a special Christmas ornament for our tree.  It's a really fun tradition that has gotten more fun the older she gets.  I originally planned for this to be our yearly ornament, but quickly found that this is more well-suited for adults.  That just means I need to come up with another ornament idea... which also means more DIY ornaments for the blog!  ;)

1. Supplies: Styrofoam eggs, sewing pins, large sequins, yarn
2-3. Starting at the bottom of the egg, begin pinning sequins into the egg.  I created new holes rather than using the existing holes.  It is best to stagger the sequins, as it makes for a more tiered/pinecone look rather than a fish scale look.
4. Once you have reached the top, tie your yarn in a knot with a bow.  Push a pin through the top of the bow.
5. Push the bow and pin through the center of a sequin to finish off the top.  You're all done!


  1. So pretty! I love DIY christmas ornaments. So unique.
    Almost Endearing

  2. Those are so darling!

  3. Very cute! I might have to try this one!

  4. I've made some ornaments with pinned sequins on a styrofoam ball before. It's a fun and relaxing process, although it may takes a lot of time. Your idea with the styrofoam eggs is great! These acorn ornaments are really cute! :-)

  5. Beautiful! Bet it looks lovely reflecting fairy lights :)

  6. Love this idea, we have a new cat who is very destructive so I can't use my lovely vintage baubles, I've been making pom poms for the tree and will be giving these a try so my collection of non-breakable decorations grows!

  7. I just SQUEALED ABOUT THIS. How cute are they??

  8. Cute idea :) I also make some ornaments for a tree with my older son :)

  9. just the right amount of sparkle, I bet the Christmas tree lights look amazing off of it.

  10. Oh dear, this might be a DIY I could actually accomplish, thanks for this adorable idea!! They would look awesome on my white tree, too.. xo

  11. Oh my goodness, this is absolutely adorable!! Love it!

  12. I love christmas ornament traditions. My mom always made an ornament for each of her three kids every year that represented a milestone from that year (e.g. learning how to walk) -- I plan to continue the tradition when I have children...thanks for this cute DIY!

  13. This is absolutely perfect! They would add the perfect amount of sparkle to my Christmas tree. I would also love to make gold ones! xx. McKenna Lou

  14. This is lovely! I can't stop making ornaments. I was thinking of you since I attempted to create little owl ornaments, take a look... now I can't stop!

  15. These are the cutest lil ornaments!!! =)

    Ergo - Blog

  16. I love this! so lovely!


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  18. These are adorable! I love this idea!

  19. So pretty and so unique. I love this idea.


  20. Katie, those are incredible. I love that you have a tradition with your daughter, it'll be nice once your little one can join in as well. Looking forward to trying my hand at making some ornaments this year as well.


    PS: Stop by my blog if you like cats, flowers, and thrift store adventures. I just did a "What's in my Bag" post, and started my holiday gift guide!

  21. super cute! i may have to try making these!


  22. We also share this handmade ornament tradition in my home...what amazing decorations our trees will have 20 years down the road :)

  23. It's my first year having our own tree, usually I make a trip to my parents house so don't have any ornaments. I'm loving the DIY idea! Thanks :)

  24. super cute! and so simple :)
    xo, cheyenne

  25. That is adorable and seemingly fuss-free!

  26. So cute. I think I'll try it myself.

  27. Cooool. :D Looks like something my mom would've made growing up in the 1970s.

    I like you DIYs so much. I know they can be a lot of work, so I really admire how beautifully you present yours, and also just the quality of your crafts. :) I'm glad you're doing more of them here, cause I don't read A Beautiful Mess. :P

  28. Hi! I featured you amazing tutorial on my blog! I hope you're glad!:) Many thanks for sharing it!

  29. Cutee! where can you get those silver beads?

  30. I'm surprised at how much that egg shape turns out to look like a pinecone!I would have NEVER thought of that! I moved to Florida from Maine, known as the Pine Tree State. However, I've never seen more pine trees in my life than we have here in the panhandle of FL - LOL Looking forward to making these in different colors and perhaps tying them together into a swag to hang in my front windows. Thank you for sharing!

  31. I love DIY Ornament and this ornament is looking so awesome. Its easy to made and I love to hang it on my Christmas tree.....

  32. What an awesome ornament!! I love how it must catch and reflect light. It does look a little hard for younger kids. I will be doing an ornament project with the kids I babysit that is perfect for you get kids. Look for it later this week at I always love reading about your creations.

  33. Last Christmas my best friend gave me a really nice wooden Christmas ornament. It had my name and a picture of a reindeer engraved on it. It was super cool and I found out that a firm out in Colorado called Unique Custom Products made it. I am considering ordering from them this year...check them out if you like wooden items

  34. sweet! reminds me of the sequined ornaments we would make back in the 70s! though those sometimes ended up a mishmash mess. Love how simple and sweet these are. Thank you!

  35. Absolutely love them; uber easy, super cool and so much sparkle. Thank you
