Tuesday, April 10

Easter Sunday

We started our Easter Sunday VERY early this year.  Hope stumbled into my bedroom at 5am to let us know that the Easter bunny had come.  I told you, she really likes holidays.  ;)

I'm going to warn you, there are A LOT of photos ahead.  I tried to cut it back as much as possible, but it was sunny and lovely and we took a ton of pictures!  Plus, Poe is big enough this year to really have some fun with all of it. 

We cram in our Easter baskets and first egg hunt (with the real eggs) before church on Easter and then come home after for lunch with Johnny's family and more egg hunting.  Last week had been so rainy and cold, we were so thankful to get such a warm, lovely day.  Poesy was in extra wild mode and figured out how to jump (getting some air, mind you) AND somersault.  It was pretty entertaining.  She didn't even have any candy or sugar.  It was just pure excitement.

Speaking of candy, did anyone else have major meltdowns at the end of the day?  Holy cow.  It happened in a big way over here!  
xoxo Katie
 **There are even more Easter photos over on my Flickr in case you are interested.  :)


  1. Aw, it looks like the perfect Easter! <3 and it sounds slightly weird - but I am truly envious of both girls outfits! Such beautiful dresses!

    Lost in the Haze: Fashion Blog

  2. Love these shots, it looks like a wonderful day. And oh my, do you girls look pretty together!

  3. Such an adorable photo of the girls walking off hand in hand!

  4. Your girls are soooo cute. Looks like they had tons of fun.

  5. What a great Easter for the girls! I adore that pic of them walking off together - whimsical!
    Happy Easter to you and yours, from me and mine :)
    Sway xx

  6. Your family is too cute. I can't wait to have my two girlies playing around together. And yes- our Easter meltdown brewed until Monday and then overflowed for most of the day. I'm still trying to decide if it's better to let Lilly eat all the candy she wants in one day and just be cranky that day or to let the house be filled with candy for days to come possible inducing more meltdowns... oh, parenthood.

  7. Love the pictures!!! Poe is getting prettier and prettier just like her big sister each day :-)

    I think I had a candy meltdown at the end of the day yesterday from eating candy....no more chocolate...till next easter ;-)

  8. Happy belated Easter to you & yours... so enjoyed all your images. And yes, we had some tired out monkeys over here too... or cranky crabs might be a better description. A full day + mostly sugar consumed all day = the perfect storm. lol.

  9. Garwsh, you're the cutest family! I love your blog, its so delightful!

  10. I am so in love with your children, I remember coming to your blog several years ago with your eldest dressed up as coraline thinking she is the cutest kid in the world and now she's grown up and just like her mom, gorgeous! what a wonderful family you have!

  11. Ahw your girls look lovely in their Easter dresses!
    Seems like a really fun weekend.

    xo Sari

  12. It looked like the perfect day. I love the color combo of your outfit.


  13. It was a great day in where we were too! And, of course, always melt downs. The nieces and nefew stairstep in age.. 6,5,4(the one boy), 2 1/2(mine), 2, 1(mine). We get together often because we are family oriented. It's always hectic!
    your outfit is great, by the way!

    <3 burnttoastandsoggycereal.blogspot.com

  14. Adorable!! And my goodness your dress paired with those tights is the cutest thing ever - so glad you & your fam had a terrific Easter... looks like such a blast!! xo veronika

  15. Looks great! :) So many beautiful colors and I love all the dresses!

    xoxo, Jjanga

  16. What a lovely Easter!! I adore all your darling outfits!! xoxo

  17. You guys all look amazing! I love the pictures of Poe; she is making the best faces ever! Glad you guys had an awesome Easter!


  18. Katie you have such a beautiful family! Poe's little pigtails are to die for and I love your nail polish too! Your blog is always a breath of fresh air, thanks for sharing :)


  19. I had a melt down because I didn't get any candy.

  20. INCREDIBLE outfit too!!! you look beautiful!

  21. Your daughters are so sweet! Looks like you guys enjoyed a beautiful Easter time.

  22. Awww you all have such cute dresses on! And I love Hope's hair! :)

  23. I LOVE Hope's hair, and Poe's dress is just SO DANG ADORABLE! xoxo

  24. Your girls are absolutely adorable! I love their dresses (and yours!!).
    Looks like you had a great Easter! xo

  25. Oh my goodness they both look so darling in those dresses! They both are in fun ages for holidays. Having kids rock =)

    - Sarah
    A Girl In Transit

  26. Your little girls look so happy! I LOVE Poesy's little pig tails!! Your dress is adorable and I love your shoes! (I have the same pair in black) Looks like you had a great Easter! Thanks for sharing. XO

  27. You have such a beautiful family! What a lovely day :) xx

  28. your dress is SO pretty. and something so funny... i totally saw hope's dress in a bigger size (like 16) and almost got it for myself last week... hehe shes a stylish gal :)

    Steffys Pros and Cons

  29. you all look adorable in your pretty dresses.


  30. Your daughters are so gorgeous! And they look just like you! :D

    Happy Easter!! <3

    Hilary Hope

  31. Beautiful pictures. Your Easter looked so lovely!
    (I want Poe's dress!!)

  32. Your entire ensemble from top to bottom is fantastic. Well done on the Easter swag!

  33. That little yellow dress is ADORABLE! I want it in my size!!

    xx Adrian

  34. Oh my goodness...they are so adorable! Definite baby fever coming on... I love seeing all these photos!

  35. Aww such a sweet little family. I love all of these photos so much!!
    xo Heather

  36. You have such an adorable family, I love all the pictures.


  37. Aww,you have an adorable little family! I love all of these (including the outfits). :)

  38. Your outfit is so wonderful. Looks like a great day to be remembered.

    Et tu, tutu?

  39. I had a major sugar melt down--which was only solved by eating some more chocolate it seemed--Monday was not a good day ;)

  40. So many precious pictures! The one where your daughter is twirling is magical and the baby in Daddy's arms made me melt.
    Catherine Denton

  41. What a beatutiful family! I LOVE your shoes! Where are they from?


  42. Your girls are so beautiful. Looks like everyone had a lot of fun!

  43. Katie, where'd you get your beautiful gray dress? It'd be perfect for my bridal shower and I can't find it anywhere!! I even went through a whoooooole bunch of Weekly Wears trying to figure it out!

    Love you and your inspiring blog :)
