Monday, October 31

Music Monday: Smashing Pumpkins

Once when we were in high school Johnny broke up with me.  I can't remember much about that time now, except that I was A WRECK.  Crying... sick... being totally dramatic and pulling totally dramatic teenager stunts.  We ended up getting back together on Halloween.  I can't say for sure that we listened to this song that night, but I would be surprised if we didn't.  We lived and breathed this album for years.  Anyway, remind me to tell you more about our awesome breakup sometime.  I ended up getting a death-threat out of the deal.  ;)

Happy Halloween!
xoxo Katie


  1. I really wanna know how a break up can be awesome.
    great song
    Happy Halloween!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. LOVE the Pumpkins - pretty sure they're how I got through high school and many breakups! Love it.

  4. Anytime I see Billy Corgan all I can think is, he probably banged Courtney Love D:

    Happy Halloween!

  5. this was the first cd i bought, back when i was 11. it is still one of my absolute favorite albums. :) my four year old is really into police right now, and so we listen to 'lily' a lot, because he thinks it's a police song. :)

  6. Haha oh the memories of this song. I remember being a freshman in high school and for whatever reason you were the coolest person ever if you went to their concert when they came to town. My parents wouldnt let me go but my older brother did and I would always go in and steal his STP concert tshirt so I could wear it to school. Oh my, all the ridiculous things we do to fit in. lol


  7. Love it! Great song and great memories too

  8. the smashing pumpkins was james favorite band in high school... i think he has over like 45 albums of theirs including japan releases and singles and such. obsessed. he dated another girl all through school, but when he came back from a concert of theirs and brought me a tshirt, i knew he liked me. ha ha. he now keeps all of his pumpkins stuff in a special box in our closet so it doesnt get messed with... so cute! and oh man, the break up dramas of school were insane! id love to hear more of this story sometime...

  9. Still one of the best music videos of all time.

  10. Amazing song and album! One of my favorites!

    xo Katie

  11. LOVE the Smashing Pumpkins! I squealed a little when I saw the Pumpkins on your blog today, because I rarely find other bloggers who listen to the same bands that I do. (Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough!) :]

    Have a lovely Halloween, Katie!
    xo, Allie

  12. I love it!!!
    Happy Halloween Katie!

  13. I LOVE THAT SONG. It's such a good video too. That is my absolute favorite Pumpkins song. I didn't realize you guys had been together for that long. that's amazing! I love high school sweetheart stories.

  14. pandora played me this song over the weekend and it brought back such awesome memories of the amazing music of the 90s. i love where a single song can take you.

  15. One of my all-time favorite albums! Happy Halloween! :)

  16. I actually got back together (after we broke up for a bit) with my now-husband on Halloween too! and I agree, although I was a wreck it was good for us.

    Happy Halloween!

  17. I love Smashing Pumpkins - one of my favorite concerts I've ever been to. Garbage opened for them.

    Thanks for sharing!


  18. I have really enjoyed video :) Thank you for sharing !!!

  19. Ah, beautiful smashing pumpkins! It was actually a very long time ago that I've listened to this song...thanks for sharing :-)

  20. who didnt dig the pumpkins back in the day. ya know, i saw this awesome pin on pinterest that said, i still the the 90's was 10 years ago. I KNOW RIGHT?!?!?! ahhhhh, what a great decade!

  21. Loveeee the Pumpkins, my favorite band hands down. Got me thru the same HS stuff :) PLUS I saw them in concert once (3 rows from the stage...eeek!)

  22. This is one of my favorite nostalgia albums - I must have listened to it a thousand times in high school, and it always takes me right back! This is also one of the greatest videos ever made - love, love love.

    I hope you had a great Halloween!

  23. are you two high school sweethearts???? I love it :-)
    the smashing pumpkins totally remind me of high school, especially the fall :-)

  24. Music that makes us nostalgic could be dangerous, but I'm so glad it worked out! I love this song. 1979 is my all time favorite song. Fantastic taste in music!! (or at least the kind i love, haha!)

  25. I had a boy named Jonny break my heart once. I need to hear this break-up story.

    P.S. Your latest post about your house almost made me cry. My throat still feels a little tingly.

  26. hehe cute. i have a smashing pumpkins tattoo.. i have "Adore" written on my hip bone.
