Thursday, March 31

Shoe Drooling

First of all, thank you all SO MUCH for your sweet comments on my last post.  I seriously appreciate every single one of you.  THANK YOU.

Now for temptation... I've been shopping shoes lately for a wedding I have to be in in May, and boy-oh-boy, there are some pretty ones out there.  Plus, my Twitter friends encourage me to buy, even when I maybe shouldn't.  ;)


And remember this adorable DIY?  I think Hope and I need to make some matching ones.  :)  Happy Thursday, friends!  xoxo Katie

Monday, March 28


I mentioned last week that a lot has happened this month, and I decided that I would share the personal side of what has been going on.

My husband Johnny has had the same UGLY glasses for like, 10 years now.  With much persuasion (read: I forced him to spend the money.  Ahem... tight...), he agreed to go to the eye doc and finally get some new glasses.  During what was supposed to be a routine dilation test, the doctor found a mass in the back of his eye.   He was told that it could just be a birth mark, but the doctor didn't want to risk it, so he needed to come back in a month and have it monitored and then go from there.

Tick.  Tock.  Tick.  Tock.

You know that thing where you're panicking, but you're telling yourself you're not panicking, but you're panicking while reminding yourself that there's no reason to panic?  Yeah.  That.

After a month of "not panicking" I drove J back to the eye doctor to have his eye dilated and checked again.  The "mass" hadn't grown, but doc still wasn't comfortable with just sending him on his way, so we went to get photographs taken and a second opinion.

 (here's a cute snuggle time picture to break up all of these words)

The next doctor (same day) had to dilate the eye again.  Poor Johnny.  This was a day of sensitive eyes and a sea sick tummy.  As the doctor checked the eye, he was much more optimistic.  He took A LOT of photographs and finally came to a conclusion.  It was no big deal.  He said that J needed to come back in 3 months to have it looked at again, but he really thought it was just a birth mark on the inside of his eye and it's no big deal.  *Here go the eyes welling up from the happy.*

We've been lucky... er... blessed.  Not just in this, but in our whole 10 years.  We haven't had to face illness or death in our years together so far, and for that I am so thankful.

Thanks for reading. Sometimes a girl just needs to get a little personal.  
xoxo Katie

Friday, March 25

Custom Giraffe Cake Toppers

For Sarah.  :)

They are on their way to you!

xoxo Katie

Thursday, March 24

Catching Up

I realize I have been MIA as of late.  Life with a newborn (at least, this newborn) means having a dirty house, working until 4am because that's the only time available, lots and lots of house guests (did I mention how messy my house is?), and sitting in the back seat of a Prius- squished between 2 car seats for 3 hours, trying to calm an inconsolable baby on the ride home from mini vacation.  It also means sweet smiles, pretty smells, little coos, and the most heartmelting exchanges between sisters.  Here's a peek at what we've been up to in the past 3 weeks or so:

 There... all caught up.  ;)  I know it hasn't been 3 weeks since I've blogged, but I feel like a lot has happened this month that I haven't talked about.   I have lots more to share (not just photo dump pics), so I promise to be back soon!

Also, if you are currently on my waiting list, I just want to give you a huge THANK YOU for your patience!  xoxo Katie

Thursday, March 17

Catch Me!

I forgot to post this yesterday, but I was featured over on Sometimes Sweet giving some motherly advice.  If you have a minute, pop over.  Danielle's blog is pretty great.  :)

I hope your St. Paddy's Day was wonderful!  Hope wore enough green for everyone in the house.  She kinda loves any and every holiday.  :)  xoxo Katie

Wednesday, March 16

Spring Is In The Air

Spring is in the air, which means it's time to start drooling over pretty Spring dresses...

Pretty, pretty, pretty...  xoxo Katie

Monday, March 14

Little Poe: 2 Months Old

Wow, wow, wow... it's been so long since I've blogged.  Let's chalk it up to a crazy busy week last week, and a lot of traveling back and forth from Springfield to home.

Poesy actually turned 2 months old last Thursday (March 10th), but I'm just getting these posted now.  I can't believed how much she's changed in the last month!  She smiles responsively now, her eyelashes are getting long/black,/curly (she's going to have her daddy's lashes), and she's awake so much more.  I swear she gets cuter and cuter everyday (and, yes... she still has all that hair)!

Her pretty quilt was a gift from Rachel, her dress I bought from OhSydney, and that little doll was made by Nicol Brinkman

You can read Poesy's 1 month post here, and see how much she's changed already!  Have a great night, friends.  It's time for me to get back to work.  :)

xoxo Katie

Monday, March 7


I <3 the Instagram app for my iPhone.  If you're on there you can find me under skunkboycreatures.  :)

I hope your week is starting off right!  <3 Katie

Teeny Tiny Update

This guy will be in the shop later today:

I just have to get him mounted to his chalkboard.  I'm setting the time for 7:00 CST.  I'll see you then!

xoxo Katie

Friday, March 4

Exciting News!

Several of you may already know if you were on Twitter last night, but the rest of you may not, so I thought I'd share.  Jeremy Larson is putting on an amazing show next weekend (like you didn't already know), and I get to be a little part of it.  Stacy Dupree (Eisley) will be opening for him, and you will find me hanging out there in the background, squeezing my accordion.  I'm very excited.

I'll be practicing most days until the show arrives, just to make sure I'm flawless.  Here are a few shots from practice today.  I have to run the track through a soundsystem to get it loud enough to hear over the accordion.  My other option is to blare the track on my iPod in my tiny house, and that doesn't really please anyone.  ;)

That last shot is me trying to capture the top part of my new ModCloth dress, but the seatbelt didn't really help me out there.  I love the tiny red buttons.  They are so pretty!  In other (SAD) news, I got another dress from there, and of course it doesn't fit because I'm terrible about knowing my size right now.  It was a Final Sale item, and they are not budging on that (no matter how much I beg).  If any of you want to snag it from me, I'll sell it to you for what I have in it.  It's this one:

It's so pretty, but no one wants to see me walking around in a dress that I can't zip all the way.  That would be MOST unflattering.  ;)  Have a great weekend, friends!  I'm off to stitch up some new stuff for a tiny update on Monday!  xoxo Katie

Wednesday, March 2

Dear Creatures Spring 2011

Is anyone else dying for the Dear Creatures spring line to come out?  I seriously cannot wait!

That navy dress in the last picture shall be mine!  xoxo Katie

Tuesday, March 1

Pretty Hair: Week 2

I wasn't quiiiite as successful this week with my hair fixins.  I started going through YouTube videos, but it was pretty overwhelming, so I gave up quickly. 

This one was easy- I just twisted little bun thingies in a messy manner.  (Those bangs-- seems like they always need trimmed!)

Braids-- I definitely needed to fluff these out a bit more to give them a fuller look.  Next time!

That's all for this week.  Link me to some good YouTube videos if you know of any!  Thanks, my dears.  xoxo Katie