Tuesday, July 27

Things to Come

As I'm looking toward the end of the year and mapping out what will be taking place, I'm doing my best not to get overwhelmed!  There are so many out of town adventures, new and old friends to visit with, and work to be done, it's hard not to get a little excited.  My default setting seems to be panic at times, but I'm not going to get overly stressed.  I'm only going to do the amount of work my body can physically do, I'm not going to worry about not knowing where we'll be living, I won't even let myself stress about meet-ups with new friends and first impressions.  I'm going to be a calm, cool, and collected version of myself.  At least, that's what I've promised for today.  ;)

(This video doesn't really relate to this post.  We've just been enjoying the new Kula Shaker album immensely, and I thought I'd share a bit.  :))

For now, I'll focus on this week, which is full of birthdays, cleaning, and packing.  We leave for vacation in 5 DAYS!!!  xoxo Katie

P.S. Thank you, THANK YOU for all of your sweet comments about the fawn.  It really warms my heart.  <3


  1. Wow! I feel the exact same way! No kidding!!! I have to tell my self one day at a time every day! Hang in there! xoxo!

  2. So much anxiety! It's easy for me to forget how young you are. It's a bit easier to let these things just "be" as you get older, and you don't want to get older like the rest of us, do you? I thought not. ;-)

    My advice is to breathe. Let the shoulders breathe and the belly button too and it'll work out.

  3. woot woot for vacation soon! :)
    the fawn was so very cute!

  4. It is very hard to not get overwhelmed with live sometimes! It sounds like you're doing just fine in that department though :) I am behind on this, but your little fawn is ADORABLE! It will be the perfect companion for renegade

    And I will have to get myself together and bake during the daylight so I can actually take pictures and post a recipe!

  5. Thanks, friends. I really am more excited than anxious. I can't believe how much will be taking place from now until the end of the year! It's good. :)

    Vanessa- I would love any recipes you have to share. Your cupcakes always look amazing!

  6. I was just looking for some new music so thanks for sharing this, Katie! Just got it on itunes per your suggestion and now I'm ready to work today!

  7. :) I bet you cant do anything wrong that would ruin a good first impression :) ...does this came out the way I wanted?? hmm..., you are great as you are and everything will turn out great for you :)!!!...yah, thats better ;)

    cuddles :)

  8. Same here :) I wish I was calm, cool, and collected like you! I tend to panic about the unknown way too much lately. have fun, whatever you do! <3

  9. Hi lovely! Just to let you know I used one of your images in a feature on my blog and I've linked back to you. For some reason I can't post comments for it so I'm using my business blog instead! Head over to cupcake-crazy86.livejournal.com to see =)
    Hope your week's been fab so far, love Katie xx

  10. Ah, Crispian Mills of Kulashaker, my first indie crush! Nice to see he's still got it, 11 years later :)

    Don't worry sweetie, I'm sure with that little fawn for company you won't ever feel too stressed - one look at those big sleepy eyes will surely sort you out!

  11. yay for vacation! i'm excited to meet you and your cute family! [and please don't stress about meeting us. steven and i think you're the cutest no matter what!]


  12. Never heard of him. Thanks for introducing me. :) Been looking for something like this.
