Monday, April 12

Music Monday: Midlake

I'm officially in love with this band.  We've been having a "thing" for several months now, but I went and made it official by saying the BIG words.  Midlake, I love you.  I do.  The Trials of Van Occupanther is one of my favorite albums to date.  Bonus:  I get to see them in May!  I'm very excited for this.

I feel like they're a pretty epic band.  Let me know what you think.  :)  
xo Katie


  1. I would have to agree. I've seen them live a handful of times, and just know you'll love the experience!! They are like magic to my ears, and my heart.
    xo chelsea

  2. Chelsea, I'm so excited about it! Somehow I knew you'd dig them. ;)

  3. Oh wow, I've never heard this band! Yay Katie! I always love your Music Mondays. Thanks for posting this. New music is seriously the best:)

  4. :) Go download this, you'll be so happy you did! Fleet Foxes Unreleased LP with a Bob Dylan cover to boot! Enjoy lovely.

  5. I have heard sooooo many good things about them. Guess it's time to check them out for real. Thanks!

  6. totally loving this band and i'm going to go back when i have a chance and check out a bunch of your music monday posts- maybe it'll give me the shot in the arm i was talking about in my post yesterday! thanks so much for teh new band :)

  7. oooh, new music to check out! yay :) thanks for sharing!

  8. Wow this is a great group. Can't believe I've never heard of them before. Thanks for sharing Katie!

  9. Never heard of these guys, but they are pretty darn awesome. Thanks for sharing!

  10. i haven't heard them before, but now I like them :) thenk you n_n

  11. Wicked blog! I too am a massive Midlake fan. Occupanther still the best for me thus far.

    Head Home features on this week's Farraginous Fridays!

    You should come and have a sneaky peak :-)

  12. Agreed, absolutely epic and super amazing!
