Thursday, March 25

Rain, Rain...

I'm not one to sing the "Rain, Rain, Go Away" song.  I kind of love the rain.  Rainy days are the best for reading books, listening to music, sipping tea, taking naps, watching movies, crocheting, and computering.  Honestly, one of my favorite things to do on a rainy day is just sit in the car and watch the rain.  I love feeling like I'm in a bubble or a pod with drip-drops falling all around me.  It's so peaceful.

How do you spend your rainy days?
xo Katie


  1. This is probably one of my favorite posts! I live in sunny SoCal, so the rain doesn't like to visit often, but when it does...all of those things you said...I like to do. Tea, books, movies, cuddle...sit in my window seat or in my car & just watch the rain hit the flower's so relaxing & magical! Great post Katie!

  2. I love doing those things too, especially watching old movies! Its rainy here in Seattle today too, so I'm spending it making new items for my etsy shop!:)

  3. I spend my raining days in bed reading, like you mentioned. Then the next day when it's sunny again, I feel super refreshed.

  4. I always make sure I'm in the car for rainy days too.
    My favorite soundtrack is Sting + Rain

  5. I have two toddlers (4 and nearly 6) who worship the rain. Literally. They do that by taking off all of their clothes and run around like two puppies, laughing.
    So naturally, although I would love to spend rainy days curled up on the sofa, reading or knitting, what I a c t u a l l y
    do, on rainy days, is run after the above mentioned worshipers with rain coats and wellingtons and do a lot of begging, oooh-ing, ahh-ing, (these are words. I swear.) getting soaking wet and anxious.
    fun, fun, fun.
    Before I became the anxious, soaked mom that I am, I used to spend rainy days working- sewing, knitting. I used to think rain is inspiring.

  6. Lovely images! :)
    I usually spend my rainy days playing Animal Crossing on my DS or just lie in bed all day sketching. Rainy days usually make me happy.

  7. Everything you said! I've *always* loved the rain.

    When I was a wee one, I changed the words to the "Rain, Rain, Go Away" song. I wish I could remember, but it was something like "rain, rain, please stay, and come back everyday!"

  8. in the warm rain I send the kids outsie - if its cold rain I love to bake and read or knit and sew...we are slowly giving up our lovely summer for you guys over the otherside of the world, so plenty of books will be read soon

  9. those are all awesome. i love catching up on blogs and i love to strap on those rain boots and go puddle hopping haha. I live in NorCal so its been quite springy here and warm


  10. rainy days are the BEST sleeping days. i like to spend mine cuddled up on the sofa with tons of blankets reading or watching movies!!

  11. I LOVE the pictures, although the second lady looks like she's had it. lol What do I do? If I"m lucky, I don't have to drive anywhere and I get to lock up in my studio and create pretty things, then cook a delicious meal and enjoy my glass of wine while watching the rain. Yep - pretty perfect.

  12. Building forts out of blankets with my son :)

  13. I am NOT a fan of the rain. It's been (unseasonably) raining like crazy in Arizona. We all make jokes about how if we wanted this, we'd all move to Seattle. Sad, but true!

  14. I love rainy days when I can sleep in!
    ps if you lived in FL you'd sing that song more often ;)

  15. i LOVE the rain :) it started here as i left work so i walked home very slow to experience every last drop, i just think it's so refreshing?! and the smell of all the trees + plants afterwards is dreamy! ok i better stop there before i come across as a weirdo -rain freak!

    lovely pictures my dear ♥

  16. Yes! I forgot about baking! When it's cold and rainy I love to bake! I will admit, after we've had a couple weeks of rain I start singing a different song. Like, will the sun EVER come out?! :))

  17. My rainy days usually consist of waiting outside for a bus that never comes, jumping over flooded gutters. Eating lunch at my desk because I don't want to go back out there, waiting for a crowded bus with wet people to take me home, trying not to slip because there is standing room only.

  18. Thank you for the piggies photo! SO CUTE!

  19. oh my gosh the pigslets in the rain picture is too cute!! :)

  20. i love a rainy day. i love looking out the window when its pouring! and i love an excuse to wear my rainboots!
    hope your having a great productive week!

  21. I love the rain...I spend it much like yourself, so cozy and peaceful hearing the rain while you're curled up with a good book! Or I like to watch dvds of my fav show...

  22. Well at this time i think i´m the only person all over the world who don´t like rainy days :S
    That´s why when it rains I prefer to stay at home sewing, reading... and wishing for the sun!!!

  23. I looove rainy days! I usually go for walks during them ^_^ (Which is why my old neighbors called me "Rain Girl" haha)

    I wanted you to know that I've passed on the Beautiful Blogger Award to you :)

    Thanks for being a beautiful blogger!

  24. It's been raining on and off all week and I love it :)

  25. Ah! Those piglets make me super-happy! he he. :) It rains a lot here in Vancouver, and there's nothing better than cuddling up on the couch with a new movie, hubby, and a big ol bowl of popcorn, I think. :) Not (*every time* it rains though...) lol.

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  27. It's been pouring all morning! I LOVE the rain!
    It mades me want to either stay snuggled up in bed (which I did until I realized the windows were leaking! Eeep!) or run around outside in gumboots with a hot cup of coffee! :)
    Cheray x

  28. Love your blog and this post! I live in Portland and sometimes it seems like the rain never stops here! But I do still love watching the rain. Especially when it's extra stormy!

    Your rainy inspiration reminds me of some vintage wallpaper I bought recently:
