Tuesday, October 6

Pit Stop.

Sorry. I am not purposefully neglecting you. My company leaves Wednesday morning and I'll be getting back to my regular schedule. I love, love, love having these house guests. They are the most wonderful friends, and are so good about reminding me of what's really important. My heart feels full... :)

We took a trip to the castle the other day. It's funny how something like this is right around the block and you never remember to visit.

In other news, Rebecca had a lovely birthday. I made this for her:

She is wearing an apron because Rebecca has become quite the baker and excellent cook. Her sweetie got her the most gorgeous yellow Kitchenaid mixer for her bday. It is so pretty!

That is all for tonight. Must wake up earlyish for tennis in the morning. Sleep well, lovely friends. <3 Katie


  1. that owl is soooo cute! i love the apron! and that kitchen mixer is divine :)

  2. Featured you on my blog... check it out whenever you get a chance.. and also follow me back PLEASE :}

    Do you do banner swaps?


  3. Thanks, everyone for the owl love!

    RockinMommi: thanks for the feature. One question: what does "follow me back" mean? I'm not necessarily an "in the know" type of blogger. :)

  4. This owlette is killing me ♥
    She'd go superwell with my cream Kitchen Aid ;)
    x x x
