Thursday, October 15

Katie Says...

So, I'm running off early this week-- we are going out of town this
weekend, and I'll mostly be away from el computer. I'm looking
forward to an interesting weekend full of lunches with new
friends, Where the Wild Things Are (!), thrifting thrifting
thrifting, and some sweet family time.

I just made my first cup of hot cocoa tonight. On the stove. From
milk and cocoa. Why did I never think of this before? It's so much
better than powdered.

If you are interested, you can catch an interview with me over on
Indie Icing tomorrow. Have a great weekend, I'll be missing
you. :) xoxo Katie


  1. How cool - and hot - for you, have a nice weekend yourself!!

  2. I did the same thing last night! I made some hot cocoa on the stove with milk and cocoa! Delicious.

  3. I bought my tickets for the kids and I to see WTWTA earlier this week - going to a matinee tomorrow. I'm super excited; I've been waiting for this movie a long time!

  4. oh my gosh, I totally have a whole set of those owl mugs and this giant tree thing that they hang out! Hot cocoa is ahmazing. :)

  5. I found you through Elsie's blog and in perfect time! I just completed my first sock monkey last night and am itching to make more little creatures and you have completely inspired me! Have a beautiful fall weekend!
